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how to get into the "friend zone"


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ouch, I'm 99% sure your not a backup option most girls aren't like that? One thing for sure is don't pester her, but still keep the friendly chitchat and ask her if your relationships going anywhere in about three/three and a half weeks time.

Should work mate


Be it on your head should I fail! Just kidding. Thanks. I suffer from Derby fan syndrome. One little set back is the end of the world. One little step forward is world domination. Extremes are no good for the heart!

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Be it on your head should I fail! Just kidding. Thanks. I suffer from Derby fan syndrome. One little set back is the end of the world. One little step forward is world domination. Extremes are no good for the heart!

the beauty of advice, you don't have to take it, just don't listen to anyone apart from ladyram and me on here, we're the sensible ones!!
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Whatever you decide to do, your friendship will never be the same. If she has asked you to be more than mates, then she has always wanted to be more than mates and has been waiting for the right time to ask you.


Unless you think it could go long term and this is what you want, then you have to play with a straight bat and explain you just want to be mates. However, even the kindest rejection in the world is still a rejection and will eat away at her on some level, especially when you meet someone else at a later date. 


Any middle ground approach will end in failure.

I think sageisback has got it spot on. Your relationship with her has changed now anyway. Do what you feel is right.

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Hahaha. ( can't believe I am saying any of this) and no pictures!

Strange one. Anyway, the girl has said the timing isn't right, but she wants to continue to get know me. Basically it leaves a door open, but not right now! Or I am just becoming a backup option....

I have nothing to lose...so I don't know why I view it so badly.

Back door?

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