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Visit a website, would you like to answer a few questions and.....no thanks.


Anyone ever actually stopped what you went to look for and clicked on that annoying pop up and answered the questions?


Provide a feedback link on the website and people will leave it. 


Students on forums now, can you take 5 minutes to answer these questions on.....no, do you realise you're the 20th this month? I know you need to complete your course but ask friends and family, tell the teacher that it's a load of ****** and the education system is screwed.


What happened to standing in city centres with a clipboard and pen?....nobody stop to answer your questions? we're all too busy with our own lives to be stood around helping another work dodger out as you study some pointless degree in chimpanzee turds and how it effects the environment.


Ever watched Family Fortunes? you think Les Dennis used to go around with a clipboard or annoying people online each week to compile the answers for that game show? no chance, a couple of "researchers" are sat in the canteen creating the answers as they eat a cheese and onion rolls with their mouths open like a feckin tumble drier.


You can add reviews and feedback ratings to this rant as well whilst I'm here, I bought some books from Tesco and 2 days after they had arrived I received an email asking me to review the books for a chance to win free shopping. Now first of all nobody ever wins these things, nobody, and 2 ******* days! 2 days, what you think I've done nothing but read for the last 2 days? I read to relax, I'm not Johnny 5!


Stop it, stop it all, stop asking us questions, if your website is ***** get the staff you employ to test it and give feedback. Students?....lol, students how about you stick those surveys up your teachers arse and tell them Daveo sent them.

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I lose my **** with adverts on YouTube.

I didnt know I wanted the new Audi R8 and some Dr Dre headphones but now I've come on here to find Peppa Pig for me daughter I think I might get her them.

Or I won't because I endure 5 seconds of your annoying advert and then skip it the very moment I can. Often I don't even look at it. I just watch the 5 second countdown.

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You're good with google though innit?


If it wasn't for Google I wouldn't appear to be as intelligent as everyone believes I'am.

Maybe I'm being slightly harsh on myself as I have the brains to use the technology available to us to find information.

Amazes me the amount of people that ask questions on forums and social media that could have been answered quicker had they just used Google.

Can I pay on the door for the Burton game?

Search: "Burton v Derby tickets", click first link, boom, information!

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Eastenders show a bra strap on Friday night, Monday morning they have received 63,837 complaints on how bra straps should not be shown on TV, this is feedback being given. Did Eastenders show a popup and ask us to leave feedback at the end of each episode? no, that didn't stop people finding a way to send their thoughts on what should be shown on the BBC.

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I had to do loads of surveys of football fans for my dissertation (if anyone recalls, I actually did my Derby section on this site :p )


For teams on the other side of the country though, there's no other way to carry out the research other than through the internet/forums. There's absolutely no chance I'm travelling up to Manchester and standing in the city centre there just to get a few answers about one of their football songs! :lol:

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People usually only go out their way to look up a company if they're not happy about something. I know because i deal with the public and complaints. Out of millions of satisfied customers a hand full are not satisfied about something. Sometimes it's the only way to find out what is working well.

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I had to do loads of surveys of football fans for my dissertation (if anyone recalls, I actually did my Derby section on this site :p )

For teams on the other side of the country though, there's no other way to carry out the research other than through the internet/forums. There's absolutely no chance I'm travelling up to Manchester and standing in the city centre there just to get a few answers about one of their football songs! :lol:

Asking City fans were you?
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I had to do loads of surveys of football fans for my dissertation (if anyone recalls, I actually did my Derby section on this site :p )


For teams on the other side of the country though, there's no other way to carry out the research other than through the internet/forums. There's absolutely no chance I'm travelling up to Manchester and standing in the city centre there just to get a few answers about one of their football songs! :lol:



What was the purpose of the surveys?


I bet I could Google the info on football songs without waiting for surveys to be filled in

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What was the purpose of the surveys?


I bet I could Google the info on football songs without waiting for surveys to be filled in


Needed the opinions of fans. And since I don't know that many football fans in general, forums are a very convenient tool.

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Well, someone's got, sorry, going to get out of the wrong side of the bed aren't they?

Get up and have a snickers, you're not yourself until your eaten some sickly chocolate bar.


Most people aren't?

Some are...

I wonder what the percentage is?

What do you guys think?

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