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Breaking Bad - Who Lives, Who Dies (Spoilers)


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It will easily go down as my favourite ever TV series - the acting, the show... everything is just too good! 


With 8 remaining episodes of this series, the first of which air'd in america last night and was available to stream on netflix uk from today! 


The episode was outstanding, without giving too much away to people who haven't watched it yet - the ending was just knife edge, incredible. I can't be the only one on here who watches it - just thought where everyone else rated it, but for me it takes first place over anything else I have watched.



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Watched the first season really liked it (after people on here recomended it) told others to watch it, most said they had and that his wife is a ***** character and what happens with his illness is bullsh!t so I havent gone out me way to watch anymore so spoil away, I'll PM Alpha with any spoilers just so he doesnt miss them!

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The ending to the Season 5B premiere was brilliant! In those few seconds changing from Walt to Heisenburg was a fantastic piece of acting. The fear in Hanks eyes when he realises he isn't the alpha male he though he was amazing.


Can't wait till next week!

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The ending to the Season 5B premiere was brilliant! In those few seconds changing from Walt to Heisenburg was a fantastic piece of acting. The fear in Hanks eyes when he realises he isn't the alpha male he though he was amazing.


Can't wait till next week!


One of the best scenes I have ever seen, without a doubt! 

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We're gonna watch the whole thing from start to finish again, should get em all in within the next 7 weeks or whatever...


...missis has been away for a bit, so I watched it on me tod. Shhhh.


Awesome btw, found myself getting concerned it wouldn't quite match my expectations. Warranob, Breaking Bad's awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

3/8 down...


Things slowly clicking into place, now we know about the house - think next weeks episode will be HUGE! I can't wait...


I'm thinking about all the people and what will happen, can't quite predict it at the minute. 


What I reckon is -







Todd starts cooking again for Lydia, ***** up somehow and dies.

Lydia tries to get Walt to cook again, Walt refuses.

She kidnaps Jesse and forces him to cook for her.

Walt gets badass with that big **** off gun and takes them all down.

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What I reckon is -



Another spoiler....














I went a different way, but I like that way of thinking - I think Lydia will be a persistent little bitch in this but with Jesse going mad at walt in the last episode, setting his house on fire - one would presume that he is the one that writes 'heisenberg' on wall in big letters? So I think Walt will be on the run, to a point - what he does with that gun is anyones guess, I was thinking it will end on a Jesse Vs Walt battle, I can't wait though - been set up perfectly, every monday is like christmas at the minute! 

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