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Michael jacobs funny goal celebration.


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Been noticing this for a couple of days on here, and only on here - I don't see anything when playing embedded videos (I was able to locate the video on YouTube and play it 'native').


Anyone got any idea of which setting I've probably screwed up? I'm using a MacBook - and I noticed the same problem when using a Powerbook G3.

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Been noticing this for a couple of days on here, and only on here - I don't see anything when playing embedded videos (I was able to locate the video on YouTube and play it 'native').


Anyone got any idea of which setting I've probably screwed up? I'm using a MacBook - and I noticed the same problem when using a Powerbook G3.


Ypu're using books. You'd be much better off with a computer or laptop.

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I use a MacBook and a iMac, works fine on both. Tried clearing cache or turning it off and on again?


Yes, I did that and a couple of other things last night and it now works fine. 


Apparently there is some weirdness re HTML5. 

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Close the thread Dav, sorry for sharing guys.

Can't we just get along? :ph34r:

Well I enjoyed the irony of it Supersheep, so ta for posting.

My take on it is he's taking the pi55 cos there's nowt and nobody where a stand should be.

And on here, our members aren't happy unless they've got summat to moan about, isn't that right people?

Her dear.....

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