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Pavement upgrade in Nottingham for fat people


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A whopping half-a-million pounds of council cash is to be spent on installing new pavements around Notts to encourage fat people to go out walking.

Notts County Council hope the super-size upgrade will inspire people to become more active.

It hopes the new pavements will help to tackle the obesity epidemic by encouraging people to walk to shops and schools - instead of driving.

But people living in two of the areas - Stapleford and Eastwood - where the new pavements will be laid, scoffed at the news.

Emma McFarlane, 68, of Warren Street, Stapleford, said: "We hear that money is tight, so why is the council spending money on pavements that are all right?

"How will that help obese people get fit anyway?"

Jo Eftekhari runs the Slimming World group in Stapleford at Pasture Road Community Church.

She said: "Improving the pavements isn't the first thing that I would think of when it came to ways to beat obesity."

The plans were approved at a Notts County Council transport and highways meeting on Thursday.

The £500,000 is part of a £2 million package of Government funding which was awarded to the authority.

Opposition spokesman for highways and transport Richard Jackson said: "I support the investment in pavements, but don't think it will have the desired outcome of tackling obesity."

Andy Warrington, the county council's service director for highways, said: "It's all about encouraging people to lead healthier lifestyles and is part of a wider package."

Work will now begin to identify footpaths to local schools and shops that need revamping to encourage people to walk more.

The areas for the improvements – prioritised using obesity prevalence data and footway condition surveys – are Eastwood/Brinsley, Stapleford, East Retford and Central Newark.

What do you think of the plans to spend £500,000 on pavements to tackle obesity? Send your views to newsdesk@nottinghampostgroup.co.uk


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I think what they want is pavements that move in the opposite direction, or install paths which are uphill in both directions. That'd do it.

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Dunno why they chose Stabbo and Eastwood over anywhere else in Nottingham, all it will do is to encourage the doleys to go out down the betting shop to lose their cash rather than gamble it away on line at home. How thoughtful of the council. Glad I live in Rushcliffe where we all congregate down the local David Lloyds to play racquetball and quaff Pimms 

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They should have a tax on fat people like the bedroom tax for council house or fuel emissions, the higher Body Mass Index bracket you fall into the larger proportion of your salary should be taxable. This however falls down if you are on the rock and roll, however then I suggest your benefits get reduced pro rata depending on your BMI index again. 

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They should have a tax on fat people like the bedroom tax for council house or fuel emissions, the higher Body Mass Index bracket you fall into the larger proportion of your salary should be taxable. This however falls down if you are on the rock and roll, however then I suggest your benefits get reduced pro rata depending on your BMI index again.

i assume you are a pencil neck like Daveo?
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Isn't it great poking fun and making nasty comments at overweight people? Does it make you feel better about yourselfs?

I can think of far worse things a person could be..

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