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Marriage and Children



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Right, basically i'm at the stage where all my mates are getting married and having children and i'm not. I always thought I would until well, **** happens... Anyway, although it's annoying seeing them all so happy :lol: I can't help but think it's all a bit of a joke...

I look at my mam and dads (who are no longer together) mates and not many of them are married or look the slightest bit happy if they are.

Everyones getting older and it has started to worry me. I'm at an age where I could still find a nice pretty girl with no children and who hasn't been married before but i'm scared of doing the whole lot then loosing everything and not seeing my children. I've even thought about in a few years time adopting a young lad who's had a **** life and just needs sorting out... must like football.

Please could someone make a poll... everyone likes them.

Call it marriage

1) My Wife is wonderful

2) I love lock-ins at my local

3) Play the game and see what happens

4) Bachelor

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Of course it is worth the bother if you find a person for whom you really want to bother. Because a long time relationship requires you to bother this bother that. It may be a marriage, friendship or something else but it needs some maintanance.

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The most important thing is to make sure your wife/gf is also your best friend..


The ones that cheat, mess everything up, look unhappy or walk away is all because the person they are with isn't their best friend.. If you don't have fun with someone, then why be with them? What's the point..


The guys that look for trophy GF's or are only interested in looks are the ones that never end up happy..


Find a girl who you genuinely want to be with and one that you want to hang out with.. Even if she isn't the best looker.. And you'll be happy.

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It sounds like you feel like you should have a wife/kids at the moment rather than actually wanting to.


Dont do something just because you feel society expects it from you.


If you're happy as you are then you dont need to change anything. Give it a year or so and you may feel differently. 


It also sounds like you wants kids but not a bird, which is kind of how I feel but I'm only 20. 

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Thanks lads but when i think about it, im not even after advice, I think what I'm trying to get at is, it hardly ever works does it? Even if they're your best mate, soul mate or companion, you soon get bored, fed up and want to move on don't you?

How have you 'older lads' done it? Have you just thought sod it, she's alright I suppose... she'd be a good mam and I think we could put up with each other? Do you still worry it might f*ck up?

EKR, that's my main worry really, always wanted children and I don't want to be too old for them whilst they're growing up but the girls I'm knocking about with now just haven't got it in them... maybe Bris is right, it's not all about looks? Maybe I should be after hips not tits now?

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Marriage is wonderful.


I lived with so many girls and had so many girlfriends but waited and waited until I found the right one. They say you know when you meet the right one and that is so very true.


My advice would be to live with them for a year or so before you make any decisions.


My mates go out nowadays and call me up but my answer is usually no. My idea of bliss is getting home as soon as I can to spend as much time as I can with my wife and two beautiful children.


And regarding the looks........well, looks aren't everything but you simply have to be physically attracted to your partner. I can say hand on heart that I consider my wife to be simply gorgeous. So yes, find yourself someone that you consider a looker.


Marriage is under-rated but then again, I played the game and waited until I was 40 before I took the plunge. I'd say around 40 is a good age to get married.

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