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DCFC Fans Blogs


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First off all a big thanks to everyone that has donated to the forum, the donations are awesome and they enable the forum to stay online and add new toys which hopefully improve DCFC Fans for you.


Today I bring to you DCFC Fans Blogs, your chance to open a blog right here giving you an audience of 3000+ members and tens of thousands of views each month.


Already have a blog? no problem if you have an RSS feed you can also import all your blog entries to the site automatically.


New blog entries will show in the the view new content tab along side forum posts so you won't be blogging away with nobody reading your entries. 


All blog owners have full control over their blogs, the content is all yours and you can delete your blog at anytime if you wish to. You can moderate all comments, disable comments, create a private blog viewable to friends only, add sub editors and even allow guests that are not registered on DCFC Fans to comment however I would fully recommend turning that off unless you want to be plagued by Forest fans.


I was going to write step by step instructions on setting a blog up however it would of took me a while to get everything in and I really want a beer so any questions or problems let me know.


Oh, you can find blogs on the main menu next to match day chat.

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  • 2 months later...

I just made a blog, but you mentioned something in your op Daveo about turning something off if I don't want to be plagued by forest fans. I'm not sure if I turned whatever it is off? :mellow:


Help required pleaaaase.





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I just made a blog, but you mentioned something in your op Daveo about turning something off if I don't want to be plagued by forest fans. I'm not sure if I turned whatever it is off? :mellow:


Help required pleaaaase.






I'm guessing it's the bit where you can choose to have it private?

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Gone back into manage settings and sorted it, made it private instead, don't really want the world and his mother reading. Now I can just choose members to read it. That's better.

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I'm sure somebody will turn this into a sexual/ sexist comment.


i'll leave it to them......

Trust me when I say....they need no excuse.. :rolleyes:

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