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Anyone fancy a nice Belgian beer?


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The Memsahib and I are in Brugge today, and in 10 minutes time we're heading out for a beer at the Staminee De Garre, a bar rated as one of the best in the world.




It's a mere 200 metres from our hotel - now THAT's planning.

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The thread title seems a little misleading.

Can you bring back two pallets?


This time, we went as foot passengers so unfortunately no.


However, we will be over again during summer and the plan then is to pick up 48 bottles of Westvleteren 12 from the monastery of St Sixtus.


As it was, today we decided to go to Cafe Rose Red because the Staminee De Garre was packed. This is a beautiful little bar, again less than 300 metres from our hotel. The ceiling is festooned with hundreds of red roses hanging down, and their beer selection is pretty wonderful.


Today, seeing as we only popped in for an hour, we were quite conservative, having a La Trappe Blonde, Chimay Bleu and a really interesting offering from the Moortgat brewery - Duvel Tripel Hop (intensely hoppy beer with a huge amount of Citra early and late in the boil and then dry-hopped too). Tomorrow, there are a couple of oak-aged beers I have my eye on plus some Lambics.

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What's the weather like, lol!


We were only in the pub for an hour earlier

so I actually do know what the weather's like. Bright and cool - in fact, the sun's shining at the moment but it's about 4C. I understand there's some snow due in the UK over the weekend. I think we might miss out on that, thank goodness.

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I've been there. Did 10 bottles of beer from 5-11% in a lunchtime. Only just made the ferry. Deeply jealous.

i got ratted there once too. ended up dancing in the streets with some cockneys singing may be it because i'm a londoner. w@nkers!!!! good place always worth a visit when you go on a booze cruise although i don't need to get any fags now.
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If you want snow, come home. About 6 inch in belper




Bright sunshine in Brugge this morning - off to Oostende in a few minutes. That'll be more bracing than Skeggy.

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I was thinking of going to bruges next week but it will be postponed for a bit.

Did you go on eurostar?


No, we went on the ferry from Hull to Zeebrugge (P&O Ferries). Left the car in Hull and went as foot passengers (Brugge is a bitch for parking, we were told). We might give the Eurostar a go next time.

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You shoudl try Gauloise Brune. Very tasteful.


And if you're going to Belgium at summertime, Leuven is place to be.


Had one yesterday in Oostende - agreed, very nice, although one dubbel tends to blend in with every other one by now.


We might bring the car over in the summer via Rotterdam and spend some time in Leiden and then come south via Breda to Antwerp and onwards to more Trappist things.


What specifically makes Leuven the 'place to be'?

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There's world's largest beer garden!!!


And if you have any interest to sleep with nuns (same building, I meant. You perv...), you could stay your nights cheaply in catholic nunnary. There's nothing better than wake up with horrible hang over while nun's are having Mass downstairs.


Had one yesterday in Oostende - agreed, very nice, although one dubbel tends to blend in with every other one by now.


We might bring the car over in the summer via Rotterdam and spend some time in Leiden and then come south via Breda to Antwerp and onwards to more Trappist things.


What specifically makes Leuven the 'place to be'?

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Finally, finally made it to Staminee De Garre this morning for an 11:00 am beer.


We weren't quite the first ones in - another two couples had beaten us by a couple of minutes. Naturally I had the Tripel Van De Garre, which was every bit as good as I had been told. The Memsahib, who shall no longer be spoken about with deference, had a coffee.


I have disowned her.

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How was the trip across the water? Is it expensive?


The trip across takes around 13 hours. We were lucky - it was flat calm.


Total price was a couple of hundred for the pair of us (that's me and the unspeakable one who had a bloody coffee in the best bar in the world). £248 if we bought the car. That includes cabins (they are compulsory). If you could get cheap flights to Brussels that might be a cheaper way of getting over - the rail links in Belgium are superb.

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