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Are our fans an embarrasment? After seeing a picture on twitter of a banner that says 'Bryso loves Jäger' (Jäger spelt wrong) I started thinking how cringey our club acctualy was, DNA for fooks sake, tragic goal music and a stupid drum has started questioning the club and fans.

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Are our fans an embarrasment? After seeing a picture on twitter of a banner that says 'Bryso loves Jäger' (Jäger spelt wrong) I started thinking how cringey our club acctualy was, DNA for fooks sake, tragic goal music and a stupid drum has started questioning the club and fans.


Singing the Dale Cavese non stop is also f*cking shameful.

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I saw it more as constructive criticism 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

Constructive criticism woud be seeing an issue and coming up with something to improve the situation. So what do you offer or are you just offering criticism? 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

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Ohh is that a jibe at my roots? (Born and breed in Ashbourne moved for job reasons.)

Do you not think the drum is a good thing at the away games?

The banner I have not seen yet could you give the link?

DNA advertising is a good ploy I think it's a ploy to say that Derby county is in our blood. By the looks of it I think it is so they can trace our spendature and commitment levels to see if they can do anything to get the fans which are leaving to re-attend (I.e. DNA is left for ever so the records are kept there for ever, so the club can re-visit it at anytime to solve the problem of the fans leaving) at a guess.

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I think the club has an awful lot to answer for! The marketeers need shooting for all this dross advertising, music, crap merchandising and selling off the catering rights. The Matchday Experience at a Football match is not nuclear physics or like inventing the wheel.

Too much change for changes sake. Lets go back in time a bit and have fun, get excited about going to matches rather than just go, because thats what some do!

Nick the Flagmans efforts are superb at getting an area of singing, but its only the tip of the Iceberg. Speed up entry to the ground and service, get people in the ground drinking being boisterous and having fun. The atmosphere could be great and this will inspire the players. You know that they can hear it, just as Nigel does every time we ask for a wave.

Great club that has changed but not for the better and IMO Sam Rush will do nothing to improve the situation. Show your passion, show your support and stuff your crap DNA *****. We are Derby and will be long after the nuppets have gone.

ARRRGHHH thats better, rant over.

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Loads of our fans don't even watch the match anymore. Too busy 'creating an atmosphere'.

I agree with this, I think we are trying t hard to create the atmosphere. I think when we make a serious push and the standard on the pitch is better then the noise will increase.

I think at the moment whilst we are treading water the fans are worried if we can hold on in games or we are going to leak goals. If you give banter to the opposition you need to be able to accept it back and when we cannot hang on or stop the leaks we are nervous about giving the banter.

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I agree with this, I think we are trying t hard to create the atmosphere. I think when we make a serious push and the standard on the pitch is better then the noise will increase.

I think at the moment whilst we are treading water the fans are worried if we can hold on in games or we are going to leak goals. If you give banter to the opposition you need to be able to accept it back and when we cannot hang on or stop the leaks we are nervous about giving the banter.

I think the reasons for going to footy have changed.

I've posted on another thread, but it used to be about shouting for the team, willing them to win, trying as hard as you can to be 12th man (cheesy as it sounds). It's now about which set of supporters can shout and sing the loudest, and the football has become secondary. If you can sing for 90 minutes, even it's just irrelevant stuff that won't motivate the players, stuff like Dale Cavese, that has become a badge of honour that everyone can share on facebook and twitter.

People turn up 10 minutes late, go down at 38 minutes for a beer, back at 49, gone at 85 and watch next to nothing of the game when they're actually in their seat. There's always been some of these people, but there's more and more of them creeping in. Ironically they're quite often the same people who shout about how **** we are and how we need a new manager. Saturday was particularly bad but there's been 4 or 5 aways this season where I've come away wondering what it's all about.

Going away with Derby honestly feels like a darts match - win lose or draw there's no end of backslapping on twitter about how much noise we made, how good the away end looked etc. Priorities are a personal thing and I respect that, but how loud we were is completely irrelevant to me, whatever the result.

We're never going to come up with new songs - why doesn't everyone put their energy in to shouting the team on? Might just have a positive impact on the results.

Feels like we're a developing a 'win or lose, we're on the booze' mentality. I'm rarely in the ground without a couple of pints in me, but not to the point where I just don't watch the match.

All the best

Victor Meldrew.

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Dear Victor, I couldnt agree more regarding shouting the team on and the twitter generation. The timing thing is absolutely spot on, but the question is if the games were more exciting and the ground was buzzing would people stay in there seats longer. I think that they would, so the trick is get people in the ground early, feed and water them then watch 90 minutes of entertaining footie. I can almost hear the echo and noise round Pride Park.


Victor Meldrew the Second

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Rather have those "cringeworthy" fans than even more empty seats in the away end.

Why don't people step up to the plate themselves and try organise something like the BA/Nick have tried to do instead of knocking people from behind a keyboard.

Not sure if that was aimed at me.

The only people I'm knocking are those that are clearly not there for the football. If you're turning up late, going early, and spend large parts of the game with your back to the match either geeing up fellow fans or goading the opposition support, what are you there for? Certainly not for the footy.

I don't hide behind my keyboard - I go the matches, shout, scream, clap, cheer, and cry (once - play off final 07!) for the team that I've paid to watch. I don't feel I need to step up to the plate.

Why does everything need to be organised? Just go to the game, cheer the team on. How many times have you heard 'the fans really got us over the line in the last ten minutes', or 'the supporters kept us believing we could do it'. I doubt our lot would say that after a load of 'wooooooooooooooooooooooah', or 'xyz is a sh*thole, I wanna go/glad we're at home'.

I appreciate not everyone is like this, and I also appreciate there's nothing strictly 'wrong' with behaving this way at a football match. I just think it's a shame to spend so much money to go to something, only to watch barely any of it - and it doesn't have a positive effect on the pitch.

Sing for the team, that's all I'm saying.

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As a WBA fan, I've always thought Derby have had a good support compared to others in the Championship. The last time we played in the Championsip, you brought a healthy away following that made an average amount of noise, compared to the noise made by other supporters I encountered. Yes, distance is an important factor but in my opinion, you've always had an above average crowd.

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Let me answer the Bryso banner.

Was simply banter between him and me and perhaps just a personal story behind it. Nothing more. Hope that's cleared it up, was tongue in cheek and a bit of fun.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions and I guess on a forum you have to expect that.

For me fans go to games to watch the football. We all know that. But both should be respected. Fans that wish to sit down and analysis every pass and tackle etc and fans that wish to vocally support the team. Both have been going on for years, we all pay so are entitled to do what we want...

In terms of last night at Hull yes we lost. Gutted. But I cannot control the team on the pitch and came away having had a good time. When I invest as much as I do in Derby County, like many others, I prefer to walk out the ground having enjoyed myself. I wont let the result put me in a mood for the night, that is just my take on life though before I get shot down for not caring what the result was!

Lets not start the old debate of what songs are sung.... Many that criticise this are the fans that don't get involved or are not prepared to do something about it... Well apart from write on a forum... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />


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