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Eating Times


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Breakfast .......no time, three cups of tea 7.30 - 8.30

Dinner............no time.....grazing @ 11.30 -11.45, very rarely get even 1 coffee during the day

Piss...............1st piss of the day after breakfast.......7.30pm

Tea.................8.15pm - 8.30pm

Supper...........two - three bottles ......10.30 onwards

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Well my eating habits are strange i work nights so breakie at 7ish cobs or keebab(yes my dear wife gets me one the night beforeand it lovely next morning i swear)sometimes eat at 11 (if wife at work she does tea? before she goes so eat that) then 5 cooked dinner unless i ate it at 11 so it be micro meal then 5ish junk food paties rice pots etc.

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I've never heard lunch called dinner before, other than when i was at school, is it a derby thing?

dunno - growing up in utch, dinner time was midday ish and tea time was, well, tea time, 5pm ish.

It was probably just the wording, dinner ladies, dinner time etc, always meant lunch time! I never realised people ate "dinner" in the evening until i went to a hotel when I was about 19 or so. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

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I never realised people ate "dinner" in the evening until i went to a hotel when I was about 19 or so. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

Reminds me of the time I went to uni and found out there was a supermarket chain called Waitrose, that's what growing up in Derby does for you 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

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I've never heard lunch called dinner before, other than when i was at school, is it a derby thing?

I always say dinner time, meaning 12-1pm, not after 7pm.

I think some people say it the other way because they think it makes them sound posh.

It's Breakfast, Dinner, Tea, Supper.


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tea, its mid afternoon drink of tea, with maybe a cut sandwich of cake selection.

its not a meal.

that's dinner.

as in "dinner is served m'lord"

Obviously life in the Kingdom of Belper is different to where us peasants come from. Tea on't table at 5 sharp or go wi out was the rule at ours......and it wanna carrot cake,

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Is it something to do with *what* you eat rather than when? Do you lunchtime dinner-eaters have a large meal at midday?

To me a "dinner" is a large, hot filling meal, ergo, in the evening, when I eat it. This also why I will eat Sunday dinner at "lunchtime" rather than in the evening.

But any other day it's me lunch, I would feel a bit odd sitting at my desk eating sandwiches for my "dinner"!

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Growing up in my house saying a foriegn word like 'lunch' would have been interesting.

I'd have got hammered.

(For those of you living in the South, that means I would have been on the recieving end of the most frightful bodily beating, what what?).

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Growing up in my house saying a foriegn word like 'lunch' would have been interesting.

I'd have got hammered.

(For those of you living in the South, that means I would have been on the recieving end of the most frightful bodily beating, what what?).

That's so bizarre. Until this thread I wasn't even aware it was supposed to be a "posh" word???

Unless Swad's posh?

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