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Post of the year award, 2012.


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This will be Princes only post ever so he better make it a good and long one. It's my way of saying cheers for the interesting chats over the last year or so.

On your post above Needles, i take my hat off to you, someone had to say it.

I can't believe this is even a decision that needs to be justified. Shaun Barker is going through hell to try to get back to play for us and he's in hell because he put his body on the line to get us a point or three. We owe him. He's one of us. He's our captain.

I've read the comments on this board over the first few weeks of the season and today on the Udinese thread and I see the tide on this forum is derfinitely turning in favour of the negative realistic fans. The ones who don't see games but who know we're not in good shape.

I see genuine Derby fans agreeing with WUMS. I see WUM's blatantly lying and then just pretending they didn't lie. I see the most realistic fan from overseas is actually winning friends. If he hates us that much and we bring him that much displeasure then why bother? Why?

I'm not sure if it 's just me but i was brought up to love football. To wake up on a weekend to feel the excitement of a game. To feel the passion of the crowd to be with the players to lift them if they need lifting and to understand the hurt some of them feel when they've lost.

I don't care if I get hammered for saying this. I'm doing it ONLY to highlight the ridiculous nature of some posters who think they know a thing or two about football cos they subscribe to 15 different sports channel watching games while marking homework.

I know nothing about football when I compare myself to any of the staff at Derby County. I don't care more than they do. I can't do a better job than any of them. I'm just someone who writes stuff on a board trying to convince you lot I know what I'm talking about.

Unless you're an experienced manager registered on the forum or if you've working in football now, chances are neither do any other posters.

I've been much much closer to Football than the gentleman who might have done some scouting once upon a time. I wouldn't ever try to pass my knowledge off as better than anyone at our club.

I've been in dressing rooms when major trophies have been fought for and won. I've been in dugouts, on the team coaches and at training when teams have gone on massive unbeaten runs, I';ve been there as well when we couldn't buy a goal, never mind a point. I've been around when cups have been won and major trophies up for grabs. I've sat through team talks made by arguably britains finest manager, certainly in the top one.

I cannot genuinely understand the thinking behind some of the negativity coming from realistic Derby fans. I'm honestly confused when I log on here and see people who are not totally loopy about their club. It's not a criticism I just don't understand it. I buzz about everything to do with us.

Didn't we all grow up with passion for our team? Didn't we all grow up thinking this is going to be the season, even when we knew deep down in our hearts that it had no real chance of seeing it happen this year?

Did you not grow up dreaming of your clubs players scoring a goal against the ***** from down the road? Did you not grow up thinking we might just unearth a gem or two and turn this team into a real contender again?

When did you all lose your romance for your team to such a degree that the most negative, preaching, arrogant poster dare to declare himself as such a knowledge of the beautiful game and in particular why does he need toconstantly tell us we've got no chance. Why does he have to be so bloody realistic?

I prefer to live in a fantasy world. The one where we might just see our team turn someone over 5-1 at home and give ourselves some time to enjoy it. The one where I buzz through the whole weekend with my mates and we know we've just smashed someone and no matter what anyone tries to tell you, it doesn't often get better than 5-1. That's what football is all about.

How can we not be enjoying it? It only happens once in a while if ever in your lifetime as a fan.

Why are we not just talking about how well we played on Saturday ahd how much we're looking forward to keeping it going,

Why does anything else matter now?

I've watched both of the Cloughs build teams. I've watched both of the Cloughs build teams of winners. I've watched both Cloughs build and re-build clubs. I've been a fan of football my whole teenage and adult life. I've gone to games with butterflies in my stomach, sometimes excited nerves as I know we're going to paste someone and sometimes fear of a tonking.

Don't listen to what I say about the football though. I've honestly got no idea. Just watch it for yourselves. Do you really think we're not better than we were?

I've come back from games that we've won lost or drawn still proud so many times I've lost count but I never stop looking forward to that feeling. The feeling of pride in my team the players, the lads. All of them.

Is that not what it's about?

Take a step back and look at where the club are right now. Look at how we're playing and look at the character of the team, look at the quality of some of our passing. look at the type of player we've got now versus 4 years ago.

Don't guess if you haven't seen the games.

For those who have seen them. Can you genuinely say the club and this group of players is not taking us forwards?

Are we really closer to the realistic than the positive?

I like what I see right now. I like having a dream, some hope no matter how unrealistic that this team and this set of lads will be the ones to get us back where we belong. Starting this game.

I honestly thought that was a football fans job. It's what I always felt. To be blindly loyal. To be behind your team?

Me? I have no real clue of what goes on in football these days, I'm in no better position than anyone else on this forum to tell you what to believe. The fellow from Mexico has seemingly got us spot on in his assessment and he's done some scouting before so there you go.

I'm happy with where we're heading. I've seen this kind of progress once or twice before. I think the people in charge of the club have forgotten more than I'll ever know about football so I trust ALL OF THEM to get on with it and I'm happy being happy and looking forward to Huddersfield cos these lads can play a bit.

Why do we need to be negative? I thought football was a dream, a wish, a release. When did it get to be such a chore for some of you.

I'm out of here.

Peace, Brothers, Winners.

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if it was, it wasn't as liked as the winner.

Steve Brum, lay off the emotional blackmail, it's the most likes that won it, so there!

All the best liked posts can be found on the bottom of the front forum page. Click "most liked content"

yea, i was gonna post the 'bags of rubbish' florest team photo, but thought that'd be cheap..

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verdict Doctor?

I bet it was a damp problem causing a neutral to earth leakage problem that the Residual Current Device could just not tolerate.

well, not sure really, can only assume some damp from missus over wetting (sounds bad)

got into somewhere it shouldn't have, and kept tripping leccy, after i'd spent ages checking

everything, finding nowt untoward, plugged it back in , hey presto.. fine now.. ??

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well, not sure really, can only assume some damp from missus over wetting (sounds bad)

got into somewhere it shouldn't have, and kept tripping leccy, after i'd spent ages checking

everything, finding nowt untoward, plugged it back in , hey presto.. fine now.. ??

Did yer switch it on and off though 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

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