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New Years Resolutions


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Good effort Daveo, I'm the same 6'4" and 19 stone, I would love to think I could reach 15 stone, I would have thought it was a lot harder than that, just reduced calories ? I struggle to eat 2200 a day, what do you eat nowadays then ? Sorry to sound so gay

Pretty much snap, my target is 15 stone, my weight bounces around but at my heaviest I can flirt with 19 stone, I'm 17.5 at the moment. I have reduced my food intake like Daveo to the point where I physically can't eat what I used to (and more importantly I don't actually want to) - my stomach feels full. I was full up after the starter (prawn cocktail) on christmas day and barely touched the main despite everyone else wolfing it down. After realising my 9 stone wife and I basically eat the same after counting our food based calories over a week I was struggling to understand why I'm still overweight...until you factor in booze ofcourse. 3 or so beers a night and its 500 calories plus the extra at the weekend. Needless to say my New Years Resolution is to cut out all booze during the week.

Like Duracell I couldn't buy a stone in my youth (despite drinking heavily, constantly eating takeaways etc.) then late 20's/early 30's came and all I'd need do is look at a burger and I'd gain weight, funny how the body works. Seemed to happen almost overnight.

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No take aways and no more cheese on every meal but other that I pretty much eat whatever I like just less of it now and my weight seems to be holding steady.

I was on around 1700 calories a day, but I wasn't starving or anything, just have to be wise on how you use them by not snacking. You start to build up an idea of what's good and what's not, have a look at the calories on the food in your cupboard it's scary. Veg and Salad you can eat mountains of it to fill yourself up, just be prepared for when it leaves the body if you don't usually eat much.

Little things I still do now is get things like extra light Flora, mayonnaise and other sauces, you're looking at a quarter of the standard calories and it tastes pretty much the same.

Do you look at carb, fat, sugar content or just calories?

I'm 6'2, 19st and definitely losing weight in the new year so looking for tips!

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Lads, get to Slimming World.

It's a modern day miracle. No weighing stuff out or counting calories. Just go to a group and your life will be changed forever.

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