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Everything posted by Ram1988

  1. Paul Warne has expressed on numerous occasions he wants more pace and athletism. Does Jamal tick these boxes? A versatile foward sounds good on paper at least.
  2. I think we can risk having one talented foward with a injury record. However I wouldn't want want Gayle, Campbell and TJJ who all have a bad record on the side lines.
  3. Hopefully we will get the retained list soon so we will know where the obviously weakness in the sqaud is.
  4. Fingers crossed this is the case.
  5. I agree. Ebou is 4 years younger and already had knitted together our midfield (for a third of the price at the most).
  6. Plan A has to be signing up Wildsmith again. He's been a core part of the best defence in the league. Surley he would want to stay as well.
  7. We know Lee Buchannon can do a decent job at LB and he knows the club. I wouldn't want him back though after the way he looked to tear up his contract with us and jump ship. He wanted to go to Birmingham so he can stay there and in league One. His ego is bigger than his talent.
  8. Collins has been our best CF this season, not only for his work rate, his goals but for also being the man who has stayed fit. I think we need to look for another CF as well but surely its a no brainer to offer Collins another contract. Let's upgrade not rip the team to bits. TJJ I'd give a contract to but only it's performance or appearance related for the next season or two.
  9. Couldn't have happened to a nicer set of fans.
  10. 100% we need to add to and upgrade the sqaud not rip it to bits. Half of Ipswichs team is still the team which got them promoted to Championship which may then take them to the Premiership
  11. Will we be safe in Nottingham?
  12. He grew as the season went along for me. All being well he play a big role for us again next season.
  13. I would agree with these all getting new deals. Say goodbye to Waggy and Hourihane. Gayle and JJ unfortunately have their fitness/injury concerns.
  14. Adams, Smith and Thompson woule be a good start at the centre of midfield. Surley there is a deal to be had with Cardiff. 300k with another 100k of add ons?
  15. We want Ebou and Ebou wants to come to Derby. Do the right thing Cardiff...
  16. Nearly 20,000 renewals is insane. If we can sell another 2 or 3,000 then it would be a real boost to the clubs finances.
  17. We need to keep Cashin, Tommo and Sibley. They all fight for the shirt and bleed black and white.
  18. 100% we need a open top bus
  19. I'd rather keep Collo than Barkhuizen. Gayle and TJJ I agree both depend on their fitness. I do feel if TJJ can get fit he will be a real asset both in a 343 and 352.
  20. I think Collo will play a role for us next season. We all know what he can give us. We will need strength in depth up top, as we utilise both a 343 and a 352 next season. I'd sadly let Waggy and Wash go and go all out for a championship quality number 9.
  21. Pleased to have Ed back. Love his passion, he is one of us!
  22. I don't think Fozzy will have stupid wage demands so for me we have to sign him up for another year. For his contributions off the pitch for as much as on it. Plus we can alwqys rely on him CB or an emergency LB.
  23. Did someone say the Rams are going up?
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