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Everything posted by G STAR RAM

  1. What do you mean by proper striker and what do you think you've seen to back that up? Not disagreeing with you, just wondering where you think his strengths lie.
  2. Every time he gets the ball he nearly always ends up on the floor having either slipped over or bullied by the defenders. I think he may be a good striker in time, given a run of games and getting up to speed but I think people that are saying they can see it already are basing it on what they are hoping for rather than what they are seeing.
  3. Id say his assessment on TJJ is pretty spot on. Credit where credit is due for winning the header in the lead up to the first goal on Tuesday but other than that he was anonymous and the only other times you see him he is slipping over or being bullied by the opponents. Might work in our favour him being off everyone's radar while he builds up match fitness ready for the run in. If the guy was a Derby graduate rather than being from Arsenal though I think he'd be getting treated much more harshly.
  4. Personally, I didn't hear a single call for a change after our second goal, that's probably because at that point we were absolutely cruising and Burton had hardly had a kick. I think you're completely rewriting history here with the benefit of hindsight.
  5. Clearly not. It shows that some people just have criticisms of Warne that they just keep on repeating regardless of what is actually happening. There's another post on here from last night on about 'Warneball' and loads of pointless hoofs over the midfield. I actually feel sorry for these people because they will quite clearly never enjoy anything while Warne is here.
  6. He also said Bennett reminded him of Wanchope, so I'm not sure what to believe anymore
  7. Yeah because being 2nd in January was much more important than making sure we got 3 points.
  8. Did you suggest the same when the EFL were after us out of interest?
  9. That seems to be the defence that people reporting on this are expecting, if they are charged of course, and I guess is the reason they have hired Di Marco. Seems akin to Sheff Wed trying to include the sale of their ground in the accounts before it had happened, so there is already a precedent set for this, although of course that was overseen by the EFL rather than the Premier League. My guess is that this will end with a points deduction as a warning to anyone who thinks that the Premier League is a place where you should be allowed to compete with the 'Big 6'.
  10. Because P&S isnt really about the integrity of football, its about trying to retain the status quo and stopping anyone from breaking the monopoly that is raking in so much cash for the authorities.
  11. So they got promoted from The Championship by cheating and stayed in the Premier League by cheating? This must be highly embarrassing for their fans who couldn't wait to accuse our club (despite having no understanding of the facts of our case). I'll be honest and admit I don't want them getting a points deduction. I said during our case that football should be decided on a pitch and not in boardrooms and its a stance that I maintain.
  12. I bet Portsmouth and Oxford are relieved that they were promoted by the end of October according to some of our fans...
  13. I wasnt asking about other players, I was asking about Sibleys contribution other than one cross? Its ok to just say he was rubbish, just the same as the rest of the team...
  14. And I bet you cant remember anything else of note he did in 45 minutes against League 2 Bradford reserves 😉
  15. Dress it up with stats as much as you want, his general play has been pretty poor on most occasions that he has played.
  16. Well I'd like to think the players take some responsibility for their own performance. If we are saying it is purely the coaches responsibility, then we shouldn't then also be criticising them for taking players off when their performances are not up to scratch, which is the point I was making.
  17. Sooner or late Sibley is going to have to start taking responsibility for his performances. Players not turning up is down to themselves but you seem to want to blame that on the coaching staff but then also blame the coaching staff for taking the players off, you can't have it both ways!
  18. That's nothing, some posters are actually attributing the upturn in form to themselves, claiming that Warne has listened to what the fans were complaining about and changing his tactics accordingly.
  19. If you subsequently win £15 on the lottery and then also want to spend that then yes, you are restricted.
  20. We do know for certain, its set out in the EFL rules for exiting administration. If DC had drawn up a business plan that the EFL were unhappy with, then we would have had to amend it. Therefore restrictions are in place. What level them restrictions are at is anyones guess, I wouldn't be surprised if even the EFL didn't know.
  21. The restrictions lasted for 2 seasons. Having to agree a business plan is a restriction. From memory, DC or SP said the EFL accepted our business plan without any amendments. What it does mean though is, if someone became available now that PW thought was the player that could get us over the line then we could only sign him within the constraints of the business plan. So although you're correct insomuch that we are acting within our self imposed constraints, I don't think its correct to say there are no restrictions. Just my take on it.
  22. Ah right, thats 1 out of the 10 signings we made, so doesnt seem much of a sample size. Here are the other 9... Martyn Waghorn aged 33 Sonny Bradley aged 31 Conor Washington aged 31 Curtis Nelson aged 30 Callum Elder aged 28 Josh Vickers aged 27 Ryan Nambe without a club Kane Wilson 5 appearances for his previous club Tyrese Fornah 1 appearance for Forest followed by 4 loan spells at lower league clubs None of them jump out at me as being players that we would have had to throw a huge salary at to acquire. And that would also make sense considering we were still under a business plan that had to be agreed with the EFL.
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