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Grumpy Git

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Everything posted by Grumpy Git

  1. Less than an MP who get (very generous) pay rises year on year, and some 'work' a lot less than 35 hours a week. I believe train drivers haven't had a pay rise since 2019.
  2. Nowt to stop you applying. No formal qualifications required. Stop moaning and do something about it.
  3. ASLEF strike announced for 3rd February, (Charlton away). I blame Mark Harpur. 😑
  4. A 40% cut in the government grant in real terms since 2010 for ALL local authorities. Also not allowed to increase council tax by more than 5% per year. It's (going to be) a national scandal. But like Utch says, we've got more billionaires than ever. Currently, the country has a record number of people buying a Porsche.......... .............. and a record number of food banks.
  5. Grumpy Git


    You should have been there for the football in the (early) 70's. πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻
  6. I'd declare the game at Bolton and away win and the game at Reading a three point deduction for Peterborough.
  7. Never mind. Whilst the shareholders have been picking-up dividends, the taxpayer will be on the hook for all the costs. Imagine a world where private companies can get subsidies (even small ones who pay crap wages, so workers get 'tax credits'), but then can somehow pay dividends (privatised railways)? But still somehow the working class are persuaded to vote for these charlatans.
  8. Priscilla Mrs wanted to see it, (despite her having no time whatsoever for Elvis). She now has even less time for Elvis! Nial Horan 5
  9. I'm astounded that no one kicks-up a fuss that a lot of local flooding is because the councils don't have the funds to clear gullies and ditches, (or to keep it apolitical don't choose to clear them). Why spend a penny now when you can spend a quid later?
  10. One of the problems is sales 'engineers'* not having a f****** clue as to the technical challenges of a given project, only to ensure his employer gets the gig. It's 100% the reason why I set-up my own business. I got fed-up of going to jobs tooled-up with a donkey when I needed a thoroughbred. *In my experience, the vast majority of sales 'engineers' are no more than over-promoted used-car dealers.
  11. I think we can all agree there was (and still remains) an absolutely MONUMENTAL cover-up. Also note that during this time, Fujitsu successfully sued the government for Β£700,000,000, because they cancelled another IT contract. Yet still to this day they are getting new business from HMG.
  12. The money didn't 'vanish', there was no fraud. The flawed Fujitsu Horizon accounts software created fake deficits. The Post Office then chased the subpostmasters for this 'money', even though no money had been stolen. And the poor buggers remortgaged their homes to pay back money they'd never taken in the first place. When subpostmasters complained, the Post Office said they were the ONLY ones who had got any problems with the Horizon system, which was obviously a lie. In its initial roll-out, the Horizon system meant that the Post Office went from prosecuting approx. 5 people per year for fraud to approx. 60 per year. But still no one thought it might have an odd bug or three........... But be honest, who's surprised? The country's run on a diet of greed and blaming the 'small' people. Everyone knows I can't get a dental appointment because of the bloke who just landed on a Kent beach, obvious innit.
  13. Ian Hislop cut-off on ITV's Peston just now whilst tearing Jake Berry a new one. πŸ‘ŠπŸ» I wonder where former PO & ITV executve Adam Crozier is hiding currenly?
  14. I'll eat Paul Warne's bobble hat if anyonevat the top goes to jail. These leeches spend their waking hours covering their arses. They also have special 'phones, on which WhatsApp messages mysteriously disappear.
  15. Best thing that could have happened to an iPhone, (apart from it happening 3Β½ hours earlier).
  16. Ironic that Ward appeared to be a lone shining light in our pre-season friendlies, but after an early injur, has been utter crap.
  17. Also bear in mind that the phantom 'losses' which were repaid by some of those accused went in the Post Office's profit figures!
  18. Just tell them you're a fruit picker and your caravan hasn't got an official address yet!
  19. I've known about this scandal for a few years and really can't understand why its taken a TV drama to get the government to really do something right for a change, (oh, hang-on)................... HM government are still using Fujitsu for NEW government IT/support services too! Make your own mind up.
  20. Dunno, but plenty of folk who really ought to have paid more attention at school still vote for them in droves.
  21. One Life A great story (especially given the current state of politics) and Hopkins is brilliant. MatΔ›j Vydra 8/10
  22. I'd like to se us start with JJ. Hopefully we'd be out of sight before HT.
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