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Everything posted by Archied

  1. I will be 100% that it was not directed at anything anti Jewish perhaps something that somebody called anti Jewish which perhaps he has also aimed at plenty who are not Jewish , the one thing I can tell you is , I may be a lot of things but the one thing I can tell you is I despise bigotry in anyone and would never defend anyone who traded on it , there’s lots people can say regards icke and thinking he is nothing more than a loon is a choice and I get that but as I say the barbs aimed and blindly parroted by some are just disgusting , happens to lots of people and this point was really started regards nevalny who I will research a bit now on the strength of stuff said and I think a question you posed👍
  2. Like Alf earlier I kind of end up left with the view that really we have no choice but to bring her back, no matter whether I think it’s right or wrong 🤷‍♂️
  3. Can you show me where he has said this ( not where someone says he has ) , I would be extremely surprised because I’ve never seen that from him, as I say he has always come from a more left wing principle in everything I’ve seen of him ,so far right tag really surprises me from people who from they’re posts are very much in line with his ethos on have and have nots , poverty , people conscripted to wars to fight and die for the few ect ect ect, sure he goes perhaps a bit far for some peoples taste but the bloke is vey much decent at heart, never ever heard anything from him that hates on anyone🤷‍♂️
  4. 👍, never found anyone that I totally agreed everything they said and I reckon it would worry me if I did 😂, I kind of like people who are off the beaten track and challenge the norm even if I may come to they view they are talking balls on a subject, they tend to catch my eye if they are treated a certain way by the establishment
  5. Similarly I’m totally conflicted on this one 🤷‍♂️
  6. Much the same as his far right speeches, he certainly comes from a left stance on the things that matter like poverty , wealth distribution, ect ect and when he did first take his stance 30 odd years ago it was financial and social suicide though I don’t doubt that there’s money to be made these days by people with less or no conviction but not back then , but as I said people have they’re views on him and the point wasn’t really about him it was in answer to how the media can and do change , hide or highlight and even downright lie about people and organisations to suit , jeez even nazis were given a standing ovation in the Canadian parliament recently 😂
  7. I would answer but what would be the point , I’ve read lots of his stuff and as I say some I agree , some I don’t , I very often find stuff challenging to ponder , the one thing I can tell you is he is a million miles away from what’s written about him everywhere ( not just the few who are straight on here with stuff that’s laughable far right , antiemetic ect ect ) , any way it’s heading a bit off topic when it was about whether the Russian was not the saint he is being played as apparently
  8. Think you will find he is banned from speaking in quite a few countries, but hey never let facts get in the way of a good old insulting 😂😂😂 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63511142 bbc good enough for you , expect so ,
  9. Yep but it’s one of those terms that’s been adopted to slur people when often it far from fits , I think in todays world of internet people can make money easier so the tag might fit some but it’s another catch all generalisation which infers low level criminalisation of people for giving a view , are the guardian a bunch of grifters as they make money from their view of the news and the world or any other publication of any particular slant , I may be a bit weird but I’ve always taken an interest when the media goes all out to ridicule and slur any particular person or organisation, think it started with scargill for me ,having been a miner and coming from a mining background, usually find that if the media are doing this to someone they at least have some stuff worth hearing and pondering, but not EVERYTHING they say even on here there are some posters that I in the main find myself comming from a different angle on most subjects yet I’ve never put anybody on ignore and can honestly say there’s not one of those who I havnt at certain times thought your spot on there mate and posted as much🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. This grifters thing is something I find interesting and kind of think it’s become another cover all throw away like woke or far right , divid icke is someone I’ve found very interesting from the days when I was very much into Green Party ( believe it or not given where I am today on what’s sold as green ) he was a pro footballer ,was leader of Green Party , had a very decent career in the media and was very well respected and pretty much set financially for the future ,,,,,, yet the path he chose was at great cost to himself , he was laughed at in the street his earning potential was slashed , it was no easy path or easy grift it was in fact quite brave , I wouldn’t have the balls to have done 🤷🏻‍♂️, sometimes people like that interest me very much , I’ve found some of his views challenging, some not so much , personally I kind of think the reason the media was on him to ridicule him so fast was the first book he wrote whilst in the Green Party , very well researched and very critical of governments and organised religion, now he’s banned from speaking ,,,, hmmmmm
  11. Don’t most people claim to be men of the people or least think they know what’s best for the people 🤷🏻‍♂️, my point was really that what someone says in the past or even now doesn’t mean everything about them or everything they say is to be dismissed if it’s bad or berthed under the carpet if it’s good and though I’m a socialist at heart I also think humans need a little meritocracy that rewards hard work too , too easy to call someone down because they have more money than ourselves ( all relative) or put them in a box because there’s some areas we don’t Agee with
  12. I know it’s funny for people you don’t like to be targets stive but really where do you draw the line mate , im not keen on Greta t but I’m not sure it’s ok or funny for me to throw stuff of my choosing over her or anybody else who’s views I don’t agree with but hey ho you see it differently 🤷🏻‍♂️ £2000 suit ,,,,,, the old green eye rearing again😂
  13. Your right , people should be happy having stuff thrown over them 😂
  14. I know nothing really of navalny , was just a general point really , there may be many in Russia who see what he would bring to Russia very differently, we tend to covertly install leaders and regimes in countries over the years who turn out to be total disasters for the people of said countries and eventually ourselves and other countries around them just because they suit our needs better at the time, I see people out on the streets in this country being very partisan in support of Palestine and very anti Israel where in reality if they lived in the former they would be killed or imprisoned because of who they are , obviously I can’t condone the deaths in Palestine or Israel ,it’s a ducking mess but we too often jump without looking
  15. It’s a tough one that because rightly or wrongly we could never accept someone like Tommy Robinson apologising and saying he no longer holds those kind of views
  16. Tell me about it ,,,, then people wonder why I’m all for global warming 😂
  17. What is it , I’m just a humble roofer ( not so humble Leadworker ) and can’t be arsed to Google it🤷🏻‍♂️
  18. Well no matter how it turns out clowes and warne have give us a shot at autos , im sure nobody will be saying we were wrong to sign him 🙏
  19. Same for me , im sure he will have his level , I like warne and don’t mind one bit about how he wants us to play in league 1 but I’m also not in some fluffy world where I believe he is the new pep but I do respond and defend the bloke against the real excessive stuff , clown , pe teacher , David Brent , clueless ect ect ect , how could I not defend anyone against that if I have a sense of fairness , as you say👍
  20. Yep I’m with you on last weeks subs but for me they won’t always work and sometimes they go wrong , that’s the same for every manager , the trick is getting them to go right more than they go wrong , 2 nd in the table suggest s to me we are getting more right than wrong in that area and other areas 👍
  21. My wife would probably agree with you 😂
  22. A bit a wedding day where half the guests won’t congratulate and share your joy but rather keep comming up and telling you how stupid you are to be happy and no way will it last😂
  23. Yep the anger from a couple was there plain to see , it’s very strange
  24. Nope ,, he’s never been that lucky🤷🏻‍♂️
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