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Everything posted by Alph

  1. Alph


    Good to have you back. Missed your context in these last few weeks.
  2. Alph


    Hey up! Welcome back to the thread those of you who stormed off claiming the moral high ground. Good to have you back. This is still "my thread" though and I'm still full of hate filled rants against Occupation, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, genocidal intent so I'm not sure it's safe to provide context around Israel's actions or pretend the only sponsor of terrorism in the region are two Muslim countries without being challenged. Good to see some mockery of "precision attacks" finally!! There's a lot of those in the region. Maybe someone could give us context around these ones? I'm one of those hate filled guys who condemns all attacks on civilians so I don't fancy it. If only there was some way escalation could have been avoided in the last few months.
  3. Alph


    When Cameron was asked if Gaza is Occupied he said he would have to seek legal advice before answering. When Sunak was asked if he's been advised by his lawyers if Israel are committing war crimes he said the government never reveal advice from lawyers. And that Britain has continuously called for Israel to show restraint. When asked if he agrees with Biden saying "indiscriminate bombing", Sunak said Hamas hides amongst the population. When Cameron was asked if Hamas will be destroyed he said no. When asked at what point will Britain vote for a ceasefire he said when Hamas have no capabilities to attack Israel from Gaza. When will we know that this is achieved? He doesn't answer. He simply says Hamas could end the conflict today by surrendering. But... er... surrendering what? Occupied Land? You need your lawyer again David. Or to backtrack and say Gaza isn't Occupied Palestinian Territory. "It's complex" they say. Well, not really. It's complex if your argument is for ethnic cleansing, Apartheid State terrorism, breaches of international law and opposing the UN, ICJ and Human Rights groups. I imagine that's tricky. Especially for unelected leaders. But to say stop the killing? Pretty easy. To negotiate with Hamas? Much easier than killing children I'd have thought. But hey, politicians don't have to face consequences. Might get a bit of a rollicking off Ian Hislop but give it 10 years then release a book. Go on I'm A Celeb.
  4. Wheeeeey! I didn't put a single penny down on that fight. 🤣 😡 Sorry to the many fans of Callum and Liam Smith but they are soooo boring. They really don't react to anything. They don't change anything up. Who does Callum fight now? Does anybody care?
  5. So we don't need to buy from Bird Cherry Crafts then, eh?
  6. Smith v Beterbiev. Bit of an under the radar fight. I find Smith so boring. He's good but there's something about his style that makes his fights always a steady plodding pace. Tempo always seems flat. He let Canelo take control and I think he'll do the same again with Beterbiev. He really has all the qualities to trouble these guys but I expect he'll be unable to stop any elite fighter finding their rhythm. Round 7 stoppage I'm going for. Maybe a towel thrown in job.
  7. Alph


    I didn't mean to come across like that
  8. Alph


    "Excessive force"? It's a bit more than that. South Africa are doing a wonderful job right now of using Israeli government quotes compiled together to show exactly the mindset of IDF since day 1. It won't count for much I don't think but at the very least it will expose Israel to the public so there can be no more spreading of propaganda used by this Apartheid State. This isn't excessive force. This is ethnic cleansing. I wouldn't say the people of Gaza are being used by Hamas. This is another lie spread by Israel/America/Britain to give the impression Palestinians are being held hostage/human shields and so therefore the destruction of Hamas can only be a good thing. Like Biden said in 86. If Israel didn't exist then America would have to create one. If Hamas didn't exist then Israel would have to create another. Or one way or another a Hamas would form. Even if Israel succeed in their pretend mission then Hamas will be born again. Israel need Hamas. Again, this isn't a claim. This is something said by Netenyahu and Co both verbally and by action. It keeps him in power, it keeps them able to raid and build settlements. Support for Hamas was slipping. But there was still strong support for them. Because what happens without them? All Palestinians live in a liberal, democratic free state of Israel? The idea that Hamas brought Israel down upon Palestinians is what Israel would have us believe. Israel brought Israel down upon Palestinians. And they do it where Hamas has little to no power. Hamas might have support from the likes of Iran etc. but Palestinians do the fighting. And today there will be dozens more who will be willing to join groups like Hamas. Or an even more extreme group should Hamas actually be destroyed.
  9. Alph


    Sky etc are thinking thank God we can run with a story where we are under attack by those savages. They were begining to worry they might have to cover the ICCJ case where all the genocidal threats are being heard for the first time by anyone who hasn't looked past Sky News. Phew.
  10. Always the same in winter. Dark nights people just leave it. I'm fed up of cleaning kids shoes! They must seek out the stuff. I noticed a few bins on a regular walk near me were taken away. It's not fun having to carry your poo bag for 2 miles but I'm not sure how people come to the conclusion that it's fine to throw it in a bush or hand it on a branch. I'm guessing they excuse themselves based on the lack of bins. Nothing like a nice wooded walk with dog poo hanging off trees
  11. My cynical tone didn't come across?
  12. Money went missing due to a "faulty system" provided by Fujitsu. 700 people took the fall for it. There was suicide, convictions of fraud, false accounting etc. Couple of decades later it turns out the system was the problem. The money just vanished. As money does
  13. I just chased a black kid down the street with an axe and now the police are on my case. Nanny state, bro.
  14. Alph


    Watching Cameron and Co squirm under Kearns quite simple questions was hilarious. Welcome back Lord David. TV Gold
  15. Alph


    Again another voice of reason, this time on the Israeli side, when it would be understandable if he fully supported the IDF. I would pay to watch anybody from that racist Talk TV or Sunak or Blinken to sit down with this man and Wael El Dahdouh to explain how this "self defence" and "national security" works. It would be TV gold having someone like James Whale telling this man that he doesn't understand October 7th.
  16. Alph


    America have jokes though. "Palestinians will not be removed from the Gaza strip" - Blinken What? There will be nothing there? That's why we allow Israel to continue, no? At the point there's not a chance Palestinians can hope to live the joyous free life they had in Gaza before you will order Israel to stop. Collect humanity points and then say Palestinians are free to go to Areas A, B and C but D, E and F are uninhabitable. Within a decade Areas D, E and F will have Jewish settlers on. It's so obvious. As it was obvious when America said to Israel that they need to be more controlled with their war. 2 days later 200 Palestinians were killed in one morning. Oh, and this was just as they sold Israel more unguided missiles. "Dumb bombs" Terrorists eh? They hate our way of life and seek to destroy it. Kill civilians. Attack our freedoms. It's a good job we aren't like them. Smotrich doesn't even acknowledge Jordan's sovereignty
  17. That's very very dirty
  18. Alph


    Could we blame Wael El Dahdouh if he replaced his heart ache with hatred? If he saw everybody who supported this war as an enemy supporting terrorism on his family? How would people feel if he wore a green headband and targeted civilians in the same way his family were targeted. His family was killed in a refugee camp and his son in a targeted drone strike on a car. Would they label him terrorist? I doubt they'd say it's self defence. Palestinians don't get to call violence and murder "defence". One of many rights they don't have. It doesn't matter what's taken from them. They are expected to accept their fate. But what's Wael El Dahdouh doing? He's back reporting. Again. Imagine Netenyahu and his murderous mob showing that kind of resilience and restraint. 80+ journalists and approx 23,000 with double that casualties. Total destruction to civilian infrastructure. Imagine if they had a hammer and sickle on their flag.
  19. Alph


    https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/5908/Israel-hits-Gaza-Strip-with-the-equivalent-of-two-nuclear-bombs Quick, somebody say 40 beheaded babies again. Hard to pick a highlight of the month. Is it bulldozing people alive under rubble? Making prisoners in the West Bank strip, crawl on all fours and bark? Is it sniping Christians and claiming there are no churches in Gaza? Is it executing kids? Filming blowing up empty schools? Or urinating on people's homes? Or filming yourselves chilling out with Palestinians bound and gagged in their homes? Or re-edits of "Hamas" surrendering weapons? So much to choose from. I'm gonna go with bulldozing people trapped in rubble. It's symbolic of the history I think. New Year usually means a lot of people plan to lose weight. Very popular resolution in Gaza. Even the kids are at it. Skipping breakfast, dinner and tea. Respect the dedication
  20. Alph


    South Africa might know a thing or two about Apartheid States. America wasn't too concerned with South Africa until it became convenient for them to be concerned. Oh well, the ICCJ will hear the case but whatever they rule will be ignored by Israel. Standard stuff. Nothing new. It's funny hearing a Zionist say history will judge South Africa. I would very much hate to be a person who's convinced themselves that they're on the right side of history by thinking this is right. I doubt there's a God but if there is then good luck on your day of judgement. Eylon Levy, who is an absolute Bamford of the highest order, I'm sure will understand that all Putin is doing is liberating the Republics of Lugansk and Donbas after Ukraine has broken treaties and allows extremist groups such as Azov operate in the regions. We are all fine with carving out territories and then killing civilians in the name of self defence? Nothing wrong with leveling a Ukrainian city in the name of self defence and national security. Right? Do you condemn Azov Brigade, Mr Levy?
  21. Alph


    I just can't get my head around support for Hamas. It's like the Palestinians don't see the benefits of a "Greater Israel". Open your eyes, young man. You need to understand what Europeans have done to the Jews. You need to recognise that Israeli Occupation and defence of that Occupation is complex. Who the hell does he think he is?! A Ukrainian?
  22. I went to Wonka expecting it to be pants to be honest. Everything is remake, reboot or reimagining at the minute. And pretty much everything is worse for it. I was surprised by Wonka though. It does seem more like a stage show than a movie and I'm not sure how well it would be sat at home rather than in a cinema. I like stage musicals though. 7/10 I watched The Killer on Netflix. It's the assassination thriller that apparently everyone was/is talking about. I've since read how clever and witty is. How it's the thinking man's John Wick. (Boring) I just thought it was bloated crap. I read about all the metaphors for corporate greed within the story and that just now seems like an ironic excuse for shameless product placement. Nobody, Taken, Bourne, John Wick... Even Leon. There's so many similar movies, daft and serious that are better imo 3/10. Less without Fassbender
  23. The Fall Of The House Of Usher. Netflix Trailer looked like it might provide the first decent scare since the original IT when I was too young to be watching it. Spent the first few episodes feeling betrayed that it's not scary. Then finally accepted it for what it is. Then began to think it's more suited to my Mrs (who likes You, Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives). Then maybe the third to last episode had me hooked The last couple of episodes are better than sitting through some of the awful overhyped films I've watched. Brought the whole thing together to be honest. I wish I'd stuck with Bodies now. I got similarly bored but didn't soldier on. Good solid 7/10 overall. Not scary though so don't be fooled. It's just gore.
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