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Everything posted by ariotofmyown

  1. Just checked the history books (again) and can confirm this is the first ever flat atmosphere at a game just before Christmas. I expected everyone dressed as Santa and hammered on Eggnog.
  2. Thank god, I was worried about you. Your mis-understanding of how long a football match goes on for does concern me though.
  3. Thought we dominated the game after 10 mins. Some nice play at times, workmanlike at others. Under no pressure at all, until that stupid pen.
  4. Some people will get annoyed with comments like that, but I really enjoy your impression of pub bore with no mates.
  5. Tough call now for those of us who have to be as negative as possible. We started poorly, but clearly improving and looking the most likely to score. We could say how bad we are, then do the "told you so", but then if we score then........we scored. About blooming time.
  6. That is because Collins wouldn't get into Mickleover U10's girls team. Or something.
  7. Please try and be more negative. I've been a RamsTV subscriber for 58 years and this is the worst performance I have ever seen.
  8. Dire start. Warne out. We should be 4 up vs this team.
  9. I'm watching on RamsTV tonight for the first time in a while. Gonna try and get into the Xmas spirit and slag the team off at every opportunity. Team selection is terrible, tactics will be awful, we'll never score, no way we win this one. I'll leave the vicious personal attacks until we are 0-0 after 5 mins.
  10. I think this just makes the deadline for funniest opening post of the year. Some people will not spot the satire, more fool them. I salute you.
  11. Actually, I was talking to some friends earlier and, no exaggeration, it's like everyone you have ever known, all your friends, all your family, all your colleagues, all your neighbours, everyone....it's like they have been locked inside a bakery before it was set on fire. And you are right there with the key, metres from the door. But your feet are set in concrete and you can't do anything to help expect watch all their faces melt off. ......... To be fair, probably worth crying about. Copper was probably the only thing helping them avoid folding as a club. How long they got now? 2 years before admin? Maybe time their fans start protesting about their gangster owner? Or perhaps that should have started when he first got involved.
  12. As a kid, the Home and Away round got on my nerves (well not really). When some from a less popular sport came on, and chose Home, they would invariably get a very simple question for their sport, but it was delivered as a very hard question, ie who is the world champion of their sport. Then when a footballer or cricketer went Home, they usually ended up with a pretty difficult question on that sport. The team captains never seemed to work this out! Loved the "there are more questions than answers" tune from the mystery guest one. Might look that up now actually. It was great back in the day, but I reckon if we watched it now, it would be proper cringe.
  13. I think that should be "the more he invites pelters from everyone"
  14. I think every club in the top 4 divisions should be owned by a billionaire. Proper football.
  15. Some random posts about whether we want to go up and the usual suspect laying into one of our players who sounded like he had a good game. We must have won. Again.
  16. There are 6 teams we haven't played so far and none of them are in the current top 8 teams. I wondered how that compared to the rest of the top 8... (Team/Played/Points/Top 8 not played) Bolton 17 38 (Barns, Ox, Ports) Pompey 17 36 (Ox, Bolton) Oxford 17 35 (Ports, Bolt, Pete) Stevenage 19 35 (Pete, Barns) Peteboro 18 34 (Steve, Ox) Derby 17 30 (None) Blackpool 19 30 (None) Barnsley 17 28 (Bolt, Steve) Maybe we are doing better than we thought!
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