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Jimbo Ram

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Everything posted by Jimbo Ram

  1. Bobby and Jack 2 🐏 1 FRGS Collins
  2. Ok Corporal Jones…..who do you think you are……..😊
  3. To be fair, he doesn’t really need teeth 😊
  4. Well, it’s what BT has told us so…….
  5. No, definitely not signing for us by all accounts…..
  6. I have a gut feeling about certain things Auto 😉
  7. That Adams signing was a surprise BT….heard anything more on the Chesterfield striker? Keep us updated 👍
  8. Probably need to wait until midnight for late registrations to go through 😊
  9. I was saying what I think Warne will do. I would have Conor on the bench.
  10. Happy for Smith to go but keep Fornah. I agree about Conor 👍
  11. Think it might be Adams with Bird and Conor in front of him…
  12. How will our midfield now look? Who will miss out? I think Thommo will be unlucky to be left out after recent performances.
  13. Be surprised if we get 2 in. How many loan players can you have in a match day squad 😊
  14. Even the ITK’s sources didn’t get a sniff…very odd 🤔
  15. Can we afford that without offloading at least one 😊
  16. Still remember the stress-induced stomach pain I endured throughout that game. Travelled up from London and went with my brother. One of my favourite memories. Not so good was when I took my pregnant wife to see Wolves, 92 it must have been. We had planned to get seats but arrived to see that they were sold out. Ended up standing near the away end. We went 1-0 up and there was a surge and my wife nearly fell over. Fighting also started with police helmets flying everywhere. We decided to leave at half time with us 1-0 up, first time I had left so early at a game. Then to add insult to injury, Steve Bull scored 2 second half goals to win 2-1 🥲
  17. Any news on that Chesterfield striker BT mentioned that we were interested in? Perhaps he will be the player 😊
  18. He gives us an attacking option at least 😊
  19. On the bench for the Wendies tonight, no place at all for Greggers 😊
  20. Anyone seen him play 😊
  21. Would the Wendies want a fringe player of ours?
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