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Jimbo Ram

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Everything posted by Jimbo Ram

  1. Ward ain’t a right back, asking for trouble playing him there. Is Nyambe injured 🤔
  2. Is this for the new manager suggestion thread 😊. If so maybe hold until the summer 😉
  3. I would go with that other than having Sibbo in for Thommo….
  4. If you are enjoying watching it great Archied, good for you. Some will agree with you, other fans like me don’t. That’s all part of supporting the 🐏 😊
  5. No, I think he just confuses them.
  6. By passing the midfield, playing it out wide and putting crosses in….is that a reasonable summary 😊
  7. When did I say I haven’t seen many games? We obviously want different things from our days out at the footie. For you, the results are all that matter. For me there is a balance between getting results and being entertained. What I have seen, over half of the games, is pretty dour and turgid stuff, if that rocks your boat good for you Poirot 😊
  8. Tell us then what Derby is like playing under Warne….in your own words 😊
  9. As long as you are enjoying yourself Tyler, that’s all that matters….
  10. Burton was ok first half but we were abysmal second half and were hanging on a bit towards the end. I think you are struggling a bit if you are including that game 😊
  11. What have you seen then? How would you describe the majority of our performances? Off the top of my head we played well v Barnsley at home and Oxford away. We had a good 25 mins v Posh. I can’t remember any other games at all that we have controlled and won comfortably. I haven’t seen all of the games on tv, but quite a few. Perhaps I have just been unlucky 😊
  12. But somewhere down the line isn’t going to the football about being entertained.? Someone compared watching us at the moment is like a visit to the dentist 🤔 Someone also asked when was the last time we played well at home. I honestly can’t remember. The fact I haven’t been this season speaks volumes. I travelled to away games under Jewell and Tan Man….just can’t muster up any enthusiasm to watch what is being served up at the moment.
  13. Exactly how I feel. This is the first season in over 40 years that I can’t be arsed to go to a game. It is weird that we are in 2nd but I am so underwhelmed. Even with a lot of the games I’ve seen on tv, the football is laboured and turgid…..
  14. Like going to the dentist 🤣👏
  15. Is he the new Danish striker we’ve been linked with……SIMMO 😊
  16. My dad and brother are Saints fans and one of my best mates is an Ipswich supporter. Hate to say it but I am jealous 🥲
  17. So are you saying should he get us up he will need replacing 😉
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