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Everything posted by Tamworthram

  1. On the website there are two very brief videos (if people haven’t got time to watch a couple of short videos then I don’t know how they would find time to read a separate communication) and a code of conduct that does state that you need to have your ticket available for any secondary checks so, the message is there. Perhaps three checks is a tad excessive but I fail to see how it could really have disturbed anyone’s match day experience that much and doesn’t IMO justify quite the backlash I’ve seen from a handful of people. As others have said, it’s probably just a case of getting used to it and the extra checks are probably part of the licence requirements in order to prevent overcrowding if folk chose to ignore their allocated seats and just crowd together.
  2. Modern day James Bond films, Star Wars, Avengers type films and anything Harry Potter. None of these interest me in the slightest. Ooh, and anything staring Nicholas Cage. 😀
  3. That's a good point. Whilst no doubt a tad irritating, presumably folk will soon get use to the idea of not putting your ticket away until you're in your area. Maybe (I honestly don't know), such extra vigilant stewarding is a requirement in order to obtain/retain a licence for safe standing. 🤷‍♂️
  4. Surely it’s been proven beyond much doubt now that the main problem at Hillsborough was the number of people being allowed/forced into a confined space that wasn’t large enough to accommodate them. There had been standing at football matches, with very little incident, long before Hillsborough. I would also say they clearly have learned from Hillsborough. As annoying as it sounds like it was, frequent checks of tickets should prevent any particular area becoming over crowded I would have thought and, whilst the primary purpose of the rails I would imagine is to stop you falling over the seats, they should also eliminate the risk of a mass of bodies surging forward and pinning unfortunates against the lesser number of rails we use to have on the terraces.
  5. I have often wondered why defending teams don’t leave a player (or two) up when defending corners. I can’t remember where I saw it, but I’m sure it was said by someone with some authority (so none of us on this forum then😀) that the reason is because it’s usually more advantageous to the defending team to have a packed penalty box. I might be making it up but I’m sure I read it somewhere.
  6. Judging by the number of tickets sold I think they’re still practicing social distancing.😀
  7. Cheers buddy. I’ll be relying on this forum for carefully thought out and sensible updates 😀 as I can’t stand listening to footy on the radio. Nothing too serious in the scheme of things but I’ll probably miss the Lincoln game as well. As long as the Rams collect all 6 points I’ll be happy.
  8. We held against the energy and pressure against Portsmouth for 94 minutes in September.😀
  9. We all have to adjust to the league we’re currently playing in so, I’d say the likes of Portsmouth and Bolton are big games. Wycombe very much less so.
  10. After I had surgery yesterday I’ll be missing this one (yes I know B4 would have come up with some great solutions). First home league game I’ve missed for as long as I can remember.
  11. You'd like to think so but this league has a habit of throwing out some unexpected results. Their current form is shocking but they have picked up points away at both Oxford and Peterborough as recently as the back end of October.
  12. I think one of the biggest problems, and I’ll freely admit I have been as guilty as most, is that often many of us find it difficult to admit the person we are arguing with has a point. Even if some of us concede, in our own minds, that another person actually has a good point, we often feel the need to have the last word. This means we’ll sometimes go off at a tangent and the debate becomes protracted.
  13. Just finished watching the Netflix mini series “Painkiller”. A drama based on the true story surrounding the abusive prescribing of the opioid drug Oxycotin. A disturbing yet excellent watch. Highly recommended.
  14. I don't care too much about "watching Man Utd, Liverpool and Arsenal". I only Match of The Day (fast forwarding through the the pundits bits of course) for something to watch. I yearn for the day when the "big clubs" disappear off to some mega bucks super league.
  15. I don't think these stats are correct. Not much better but both the BBC and Sky have higher numbers all round.
  16. But it's not instructive if you don't know was said. Also, as @Returning ram says, football is an emotional game and players will, from time to time, disagree and have a bit of a rant at the coaching staff and their fellow players. One alleged in game fall out between Sibley and Warne isn't necessarily an indication of their ongoing relationship. I'm not sure what the comment about the fourth official has got to do with this mini debate.
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