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Everything posted by Tamworthram

  1. Projected Premier League income. If they were stuck in the Championship (or lower) they wouldn’t be worth anywhere near that much.
  2. I can’t help but think that to make a serious impact on congestion you’d need a significant investment in the public transport infrastructure rather than just making the cost cheaper in order to attract more users. If only we could have found several billion for such a wide scale and effective project. (HS2 cough cough).
  3. Yes I know. I tried to take a look myself. 😊
  4. I’m not sure the first statement is always true. I reckon, if we really want to do something to protect the environment then it’s going to cost us (and the economy). Is the second statement a proven fact or just a logical assumption? That’s what I was querying, whether it had been “proven”.
  5. I’ve been to Luxembourg and I’m not sure there are that many “poor” people there.😅 Luxembourg is a rich country and I think it’s fairly safe to assume that they can offer free public transport because of the countries wealth (and the fact that it’s a small country) and it’s wealth hasn’t been accumulated as a result of the free public transport.
  6. I’m not disputing it as I simply don’t know but how and when has it been proven that cheap (or free) public transport is a benefit for the economy as a whole?
  7. Cheers, I thought it would. I can’t really see it being a sell out then if the capacity is still around 23,000. It certainly isn’t a sell out yet.
  8. Although I commuted daily by train to London for a year, then Birmingham for 3 years followed by Manchester for 3 months, I was one of the lucky ones. Whilst over that period of time there were the occasional delays and cancellations, by and large they ran on time (well, within 10 minutes or so) and I usually got a seat (although the Birmingham train was usually very full). The big negative for me is the cost. Not just the train but also parking. £9.10 for a daily ticket. That’s nearly as much as the actual return ticket to Birmingham. If I caught a train to Derby for home games it would cost me £17.20 for the train plus £6.40 if I parked at the station. There is no way it costs me nearly £24 to drive to Derby and back plus parking.
  9. I wonder if that includes Derby fans? If not, then it certainly is looking like a near capacity which is a bit of surprise considering they only managed 18,000 last year v Sheffield Wednesday and haven’t even got over 20,000 for over a decade. If it does include the Derby sales then I’m not convinced it will be quite a sell out. Either way, it doesn’t matter. Our stand is full (or as full as it can be) and we should be making plenty of noise. COYR. I’ve only just realised that it’s only one day out from being exactly a year ago since we last played them at their place.
  10. I'm not sure about that unless the message on their website 17 hours ago excludes visiting supporters (perhaps it does). Either way, it hadn't sold out as at yesterday afternoon. "Saturday's game will see at least 16,500 fans come through the turnstiles". Isn't the capacity something like 23,500?
  11. Weird thing for one of the home team players to say.
  12. Funny but I’ve never associated going to a football game (home or away) as a “day on the beer”. Mainly because I drive of course (even if I was going on the train I still have to drive to the station) but for me, having a good few drinks (not that I do anymore but I have in my younger days) and going to a football match just don’t mix. I’m sure you’re not one of them but I can’t get my head around some of the folk you see at away games (a very small minority) that seem barely able to stand up due to the amount they have consumed.
  13. There could also be a problem with a relegation clauses as it would give some clubs, with little or no chance of being relegated, an added attraction. Imagine if a player was offered a 4 year contract with someone like Spurs and another with a team like Ipswich or Southampton (assuming they get promoted). Even if they knew they wouldn’t get much game time with Spurs, they may chose them because of the much reduced risk of relegation and subsequent pay cut.
  14. Good to see you’re doing your bit to make him feel welcome.
  15. To be fair, I wouldn’t expect the EFL to have too much sympathy with the fact that we’ve not got any fit strikers nor would I expect Gayle to be too interested in a ‘week to week’ contract if other clubs have made him an offer given he could be “let go” once Washington and Waghorn are back. I reckon our best hope is they allow a little flexibility to our business plan if we can prove we’re doing better financially than the plan originally forecast.
  16. I don’t think it’s that simple. if the deal is within our business plan (until the end of the season) then surely they would have rubber stamped it immediately. Therefore, I would assume signing Gayle takes us outside of the agreement and we have asked for an amendment to be considered. Maybe the business plan isn’t set in stone and they would consider some adjustment?
  17. Put simply, we don’t have enough left in our business plan budget to pay for Gayle? 😅
  18. Their time may be coming to an end (although I doubt it any time soon) but “thankfully” is only the right word if the next super power that replaces them is better. I can’t say that I’m hugely optimistic. I reckon one thing history has taught us is that when one super power (or empire if you’d prefer) declines, they are just replaced by another with similar intent and morals. It could be a case of careful what you wish for.
  19. Yes, I think we got away with one there but, as you say, there have been plenty of decisions gone against us. For me, I don’t think it should need to be deliberate for a handball to be given. I’d say it should be handball if 1) it was deliberate or 2) your arm is in an unnatural position and you have gained an advantage/the other team has been disadvantaged.
  20. Sometimes, the only way to avoid being worn (no pun intended) down by someone’s relentless negativity is to put them on ignore.
  21. Well actually it was thanks to three players. A fantastic pass from Smith (I groaned when he came on but apart from getting caught in possession, as he is prone to do, early on - but I’ll forgive him as he hadn’t got up to speed, I thought he had a good game and was instrumental in our more attacking approach), NML and Sibley. I feel a little bit smug as I said to the folks sitting next to me “I’d bring Sibley on for Barks” and even got into a light hearted “row” as one of them just thought he’d get booked - that was the less mature Sibley from long ago. But I guess if none of you heard me say it then it didn’t happen. 🙂
  22. Right. So now that your original argument, that their away form isn’t so good, has been disproved and doesn’t fit your agenda you’re changing tact to say their form is only good because of how poor the league is? Keep going and you might end up with something that convinces a few people that, whilst not the greatest game of football, everyone involved today doesn’t deserve a bit of credit.
  23. Was it really necessary to start yet another anti Warne thread? Whilst your points may be valid, why couldn't you just post them on the match day thread?
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