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Posts posted by Day

  1. 1 hour ago, RicME85 said:

    Brod bowdown.gif.pagespeed.ce.PKqybR2Dbe.gif


    54 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    haha thanks :lol:

    Guessing you've seen him play already, 'kin ell one minute you're pulling off goal line saves the next this bat mobile is flying through the air knocking it in.

    Made me laugh on the side just knocked the ball and weaved through 3 to collect it and tap in, someone's been playing for quite a while

    1132 wins and 3821 goals :o

  2. 8 hours ago, Kernow said:

    Just got back from seeing Grimsby. I found it quite funnily personally, but that's my sense of humour. I could easily see why people would like it, but also why people may hate it and give it a 1/10.

    Storyline was a bit weird. Not really anything like the other Sacha Baron Cohen films I've seen. It was nice to get a bit of an insight into @Daveo's life up there. I've been to Skegness before and I'd say the representation of the area is pretty much spot on ;)

    Not seen it yet, for me it's ruined by being filmed in Essex, makes no sense when we have plenty of dodgy areas it could have been filmed at up here

  3. 2 minutes ago, Srg said:

    Smashing into opponents can be a good tactic - especially if someone takes out the goalkeeper - but yeah, unless you're desperately chasing a goal, you should really have at least 1 person behind the half way line.

    Oh yeah the opponents, I love taking them out, probably too much but when you're through on goal with a clear run up to score and get side swiped by a team mate the controller almost goes through the screen.

    Watched a bit on YouTube before buying, looks to me that in a 3v3 the furthest car back stays back to defend, every kick off online so far it's been 6 cars in a huge smash up from the off, like you say tho I guess it improves as you rank up through the leagues

  4. Playing offline v bots yesterday I was under the impression smashing into team mates is part of the game....at least the bots realise one needs to stay back from the kick off to defend, 

  5. 16 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    I haven't noticed the thumb killing, although I have remapped the controls a bit. 

    You could mess with your camera settings to help the dizzyness, increase the FOV and slow the speed the camera rotates etc. 

    Do you play mostly in normal cam or ball cam?

    I switch between the 2 cameras quite a bit, maybe that's where I'm going wrong!

    Its a fun game, probably better playing with people you know and being able to communicate, went online today and got pretty frustrated, smashed in my first game :lol: 


  6. Fallout 4 finished, went for the Minutemen ending, probably should have saved at the Nuclear mission to go through each ending but I have some paint I could watch dry.

    Jumped on to the Rocket League hype train now, not been online yet....kinda fun but not sure I could sit and play for long periods, get dizzy easily and it's a real thumb killer!

  7. 17 hours ago, SaintRam said:

    To answer your question @Daveo, for people who are big into sandbox roleplaying games Fallout and Elder Scrolls are pretty much cream of the crop, and the depth of the lore means that the enjoyment of it can filter into other mediums. The only thing I enjoy more for the roleplaying than those series' of games is tabletop D&D :p 

    Lots of very valid reasons why people don't like them though, and I do think the hype of it is a little OTT - but that happens with lots of games across multiple genres. I've been caught out buying a game that just wasn't for me because of the hype, usually FPS games. 

    I loved Fallout 3, probably would have loved New Vegas as well had it decided not to corrupt all my save files which resulted in the disc being binned.

    Skyrim I also enjoyed for the most part but never fully completed it.

    Fallout 4 I just find dull and boring, not to mention riddled with bugs. Only yesterday I lost a good 15 minutes worth of a battle as it auto saved whilst I was stuck crouched on a chair half into the wall and couldn't get off.

    Also the part where you go through Kellogs memory I had to do all over again as it wouldn't trigger the final part in the last room.

    Gun refusing to ads is a daily annoyance as well.

    I'm 6 main quests through right now, 40 side quests completed, no idea how far that puts me in. Oh and my camp went to 76% happiness and now dropped to 54% for no reason what so ever, tried to please them the ungrateful tossers

  8. Can anyone explain why Fallout 4 is so highly rated?

    I turned it off yesterday as I thought I would find washing the pots was more entertaining. Never been so bored with a game.


  9. 1 minute ago, SaintRam said:

    I play Rocket League on my PC from a sofa, looking at a 40" monitor, with a controller :p  

    May as well get a xbox then!

    Thing I also don't like about PC gaming is the hassle of upgrading the thing every couple years to run the latest games, not to mention having to use Windows which is such a ball ache itself

  10. Not switched PS4 on for a few days.

    Spent hours and I mean hours on Fallout 4 but I ended up doing nothing but building this super base flirting with Trudy and barely any missions. 

    I then read online that you can only have 20 settlers in your base and need just 1 bed for each. Turns out my 87 bed settlement was a tad overkill.

    Having reached Diamond City, banged a few missions in, thought I'd see how many missions in total their are and realised this is going to take a very very long time and to be honest I'm finding the missions boring.

    Go talk to X person, we need X item from X place, go there, huge gun fight, find item, return it, get caps.

    Seems harsh as Fallout as always been like this and I shouldn't have bought it but I keep doing it, same with GTA really.

  11. 4 hours ago, StaffsRam said:

    You're doing the SP campaign? Only thing I'll say - "Imagine a frozen forest....", won't mean anything to you yet, but it will! :D

    Dear me, I thought that ****** would never end! 

    Like to see someone complete that on realistic. 

  12. Only got the last 2 to do now, having to go solo as keep reviving people legging it straight into the centre of a huge gun fight is doing my nut in.

    On hardened there's no respawn so you're screwed with no way to kick them either.

    Missions with those huge robots where you have to shoot them and wait to fire the rocket they were just sending in rockets from the off. Rank 1 and 2 fools!

    It is all a bit samey but then so are most campaigns really, would have been nice to switch way back in time and try and link it up with BO1 somehow but it's alright. 

    You get a lot of gameplay on the disc for your money

  13. As I've hit 55 on the multiplayer in Black Ops 3, thought I'd try the campaign, 'kin ell it's good, hard as well if you go for the realistic setting, swear it's one bullet and you're dead. Custom load outs, new abilities, co op, for once theres enough on the disc without stepping foot into the multiplayer. 

    Zombies is still duff tho but if that's you're thing hey ho

  14. If you have a game that constantly crashes, freezes or glitched to the point you can't carry on with the game it's broken. Awful.

    In terms of brilliant it really is personal taste, take GTA for example, widely considered a brilliant game, for me it's not. The controls always feel sloppy, the side missions are tedious and I get bored very easily with it.

    Played and completed the main story on current one and I never had the urge after the first few missions to jump on. I completed it so I could justify buying a new game, not that I enjoyed it.



  15. Video games are entertainment. Same as music, films, TV.

    There is no "best football game" and neither are "broken" just personal preferences.

    I'm not expecting a realistic game of football from a video game, if I want that I'll grab a football and go outside.  

    FIFA this year is great, I love it. If anyone prefers to play PES knock yourself out, I'd rather knock myself out on a brick wall than play it but each to their own.

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