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I burn around 400-450 calories for a typical 50 min intense weight lifting workout. I'm 6ft 3 15.5 stone. I imagine give or take 50 kcals you're in the same ballpark.

Wow that's a lot more than I expected, my workout takes around 30-40mins at the moment, never lifted before so easing my way in. This is my routine....

Monday (Chest)

Flat bech press

Incline bench press

Lying fly

And tricep arm extensions

Tuesday (Back, Bicep)

Kneeling one arm row

Wide row

EZ bar curl - bicep

Concentration bicep curl

Wednesday day off

Thursday (Shoulders)

Back supported shoulder press

Lat raise

Upright row

And tri arm extensions

Friday (Legs)

Toe raise

Stiff legged dead lift


Stationary lunge

Saturday, Sunday days off

3 sets of 8 for most, probably **** but the areas I work on can feel the pain for the next day which is the aim I believe.

Will be looking at adding an extra workout or two everyday as I progress

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Wow that's a lot more than I expected, my workout takes around 30-40mins at the moment, never lifted before so easing my way in. This is my routine....

Monday (Chest)

Flat bech press

Incline bench press

Lying fly

And tricep arm extensions

Tuesday (Back, Bicep)

Kneeling one arm row

Wide row

EZ bar curl - bicep

Concentration bicep curl

Wednesday day off

Thursday (Shoulders)

Back supported shoulder press

Lat raise

Upright row

And tri arm extensions

Friday (Legs)

Toe raise

Stiff legged dead lift


Stationary lunge

Saturday, Sunday days off

3 sets of 8 for most, probably **** but the areas I work on can feel the pain for the next day which is the aim I believe.

Will be looking at adding an extra workout or two everyday as I progress

You do need to use a bike or cross trainer too 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

20 mins on each

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Looks like a decent work out. People always think they have the best workout/nutrition etc. when it all comes down to you as an individual. I've weight trained for years now (off and on) and I know what works for me providing I'm prepared to sweat for it.

One thing I will say is when I start back into a cycle I hit the compound exercises hard, i.e. bench press, squat, deadlift etc. and forget about the rest. You work pretty much every muscle anyway by doing these and its a quick way of getting into shape, adding bulk and toning up quickly (IMO ofcourse). I then start to branch off into the smaller muscle groups which require specific exercises.

When it comes to arms, people focus so heavily on biceps (prestige I guess) and almost neglect working their triceps at all, if anything I do it the other way round. Tris are way less glamarous to work but I think the results are better overall.

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Looks like a decent work out. People always think they have the best workout/nutrition etc. when it all comes down to you as an individual. I've weight trained for years now (off and on) and I know what works for me providing I'm prepared to sweat for it.

One thing I will say is when I start back into a cycle I hit the compound exercises hard, i.e. bench press, squat, deadlift etc. and forget about the rest. You work pretty much every muscle anyway by doing these and its a quick way of getting into shape, adding bulk and toning up quickly (IMO ofcourse). I then start to branch off into the smaller muscle groups which require specific exercises.

When it comes to arms, people focus so heavily on biceps (prestige I guess) and almost neglect working their triceps at all, if anything I do it the other way round. Tris are way less glamarous to work but I think the results are better overall.

This man is 100% right. I like to plan my workouts around 6 lifts though - Bench, Squat, Deadlift, Military Press, Pull Ups and Barbell Row. Sooner you get into compound lifts you'll see much bigger results.

I always do my arms secondary (tris to my chest workout and biceps to my back workout) as they are the smallest muscles in the body.

Forget about abs - you won't see them anyway until your < 10-12% Bodyfat.

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I once did a workout with some Marines for charideee who did a demo on doing some bastardo's.

Stupid me asked why they were called bastardo's..... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

fookin ell, that's the last time I ask a stoooopid question. He did 50, the rest of us mere mortals managed about 3 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wacko' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wacko:' />

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I once did a workout with some Marines for charideee who did a demo on doing some bastardo's.

Stupid me asked why they were called bastardo's..... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

fookin ell, that's the last time I ask a stoooopid question. He did 50, the rest of us mere mortals managed about 3 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wacko' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wacko:' />

Bet she was all goowie eyed at them.
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Just made myself my own training plan - wonder what everyone thinks?

[size=3]It is a 3 day split, planning on muscle gain. Basing it around compound lifts with low reps - doing one day lift, one day rest - [/size]

Workout 1:

[size=3]Incline Bench, 2x5, 1xFailure.[/size]

[size=3]Curls (Any 1) 2 x 10[/size]

[size=3]Squat, 2x5, 1xFailure[/size]

[size=3]Chin ups, 2 x10, 1xFailure [/size]

[size=3]Bent Over Row, 2x5, 1xFailure[/size]

Workout 2:

[size=3]Flat Bench, 2 x5, 1xFailure[/size]

[size=3]Overhand Pull up - 2x8, 1 x Failure[/size]

[size=3]Military Press - 2x5, 1 x Failure[/size]

[size=3]Deadlift - 1 x Failure[/size]

[size=3]Tricep Dips 2x10, 1x Failure.[/size]

Workout 3:

[size=3]Decline Bench 2x5, 1xFailure[/size]

[size=3]Bicep Curl (any, different to mon) 2x10-12[/size]

[size=3]Squat 2x5, 1xFailure[/size]

[size=3]Chin ups 10x2, 1 x Failure[/size]

[size=3]Cable Chest 2x10, 1xFailure[/size]

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This thread is making me sad. I used to hit the gym too and now I'm in pieces and out of shape. And old. Just shoot me. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' />

Never too old to start 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> When I started my BMI said I was obese, so glad I changed my lifestyle 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

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