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Glasgow Rangers - The End


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We are a kinngdom of four countries

Rugby still play as four nations - in both codes

Athletics play as four nations in the commonwealth games.

Are you saying Kingdom's aren't countries?

I also doubt you really believe sport has anything to do with it.

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Personally I dont think that either Celtic or Rangers coming to play in England is a good long term option. Both for EPL or SPL. Its just running away from a long term problem they have had up there in Scotland that needs sorting out. Basically getting their house in order. I view not only Rangers at fault here but SPL for not being strong enough and standing up to the clubs former owners.

Slightly ( very slightly) tongue in cheek I wonder what the SIP think about this as an idea? Wonder also how long it would be before we had to bail THEM out aswell as Celtic and Rangers!

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With regards to our 4 nations coming together as 1 UK team I am surprised how little is known about the history and contract relations between England, Scotland and the dreaded FIFA.

Obviously England v Scotland ( plus Wales and N Ireland) were around many years before FIFA, World Cups, European Championships etc.. enjoying a rivalry that has stood the test of time. The play as 1 nation idea was mooted pretty much as soon as FIFA turned up. England and Scotland didnt play the 1st few world cups although invited. The long running battle with FIFA for football sumpremicy continued until FIFA got into the financial cart around WW2 time.

To save them, England/Scotland played a match V Rest of the world and gave all the gate money to FIFA with the stipulation AND contract that we would never be forced to play as GB or UK in FIFA affiliated tournaments.

To this day the English FA refuses to even call itself that to FIFA. Its just THE FA and how it rankles.

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Warnings have been made in the last few days that up to half the SPL clubs could go into administration if the Ibrox club are in the bottom tier.

It appears that most if not all of the SPL's commercial contracts include exit clauses for sponsors and partners allowing them to pull out or renegotiate if the Old Firm are not present.

Scottish football's final nail in the coffin. The only decent matches in the entire calendar were the auld firm games. Without them it's little more than a glorified pub league.

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HMRC will have the casting vote like in Scotkand - if they accept 2p in the pound of Pompey but rejected Rangers 9p in the pound then it seems a little unfair

Precedent has been set

HMRC had the biggest vote at Rangers as it was owed the most, not sure how pompey is. It goes to the creditors and a simple yes or no from them decides, so if the majority says yes it goes through, and even if HMRC are owed 49% of teh debt they have to allow it as majority rules. iirc

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HMRC debt only accounts for 5% - the CVA was approved by the other 95%. It needed 75%.

A disgrace though - Portsmouth should be relegated into non-league football as an example for not learning from their own fooking mistakes.

They'll be spending money like it's going out of fashion again inside 12 months. C**ts.

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McCoist wants to start in the 3rd tier, personnally I think it should be lower, just like Wimbledon reformed.

Does it actually GET any lower than the 3rd tier of Sweaty football..!? I think you would see a better standard on the race course on a sunday morning.

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Feel so sorry for their supporters - people who will have spent thousands and thousands following Rangers around Europe, and domestically.

I never agree with punishing a club, and would sooner see individuals reprimanded but understand it's hard to do.

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Eventually a club is run so badly it goes bust, is liquidated. Why should the guys taking just keep the same league position etc...

I don'tt really feel sorry for the fans - they have cheered while Rangers were ran into the ground - demanding signings and certain types of players.

Be grateful there is a buyer and have a chance to rebuild

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