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Adverts are highly annoying I agree but no adverts = no forum.

The ads help towards the running costs of the forum, which makes my life easier keeping the missus off my back for "wasting money each month on a stupid Internet forum thing".

Not asking anyone to click them, but if anything does interest you in the ads the click does help.

If you really want there are ad blockers available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers. But if everyone does this I cant promise the long term future of this forum.

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Adverts are highly annoying I agree but no adverts = no forum.

The ads help towards the running costs of the forum, which makes my life easier keeping the missus off my back for "wasting money each month on a stupid Internet forum thing".

Not asking anyone to click them, but if anything does interest you in the ads the click does help.

If you really want there are ad blockers available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers. But if everyone does this I cant promise the long term future of this forum.

Schoolboy error. You should either use Google or Yahoo for advertising. They are, by far, the best two ways to make money. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

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That explains the Blackburn Rovers season ticket advert hat came up on mine a few months ago.

Adverts are served on your browsing history, if you've looked at anything Blackburn related that will be why it's come up

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