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How far would you go to save a mate?


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A BRIT was bitten "down under" by a killer snake while answering a call of nature in the Aussie bush.

The reptile sunk its fangs into Jackson Scott's testicle as he squatted in the dark.

But when he begged best mate Roddy Andrews to suck the venom out, his pal REFUSED.

Instead he drove Jackson on a 40-minute life-or-death dash to Hobart, Tasmania, where doctors gave him an antidote to the deadly tiger snake poison.

Musician Jackson, 29, of Glasgow, said: "I went into the garden at four in the morning after a night in the pub to save flushing the toilet because water is precious in the outback.

"Just as I finished and was about to tuck everything safely away, it bit me. I had my pants around my knees when I hobbled into Roddy's bedroom. My heart was racing and I was hallucinating.

"Needless to say, Rod was not of a mind to suck out the poison."

Jackson, starting a year's working holiday at the remote farm, added: "The doctors and nurses were very professional. They didn't take the mickey out of me being bitten on my wedding tackle."


Would you have sucked the venom out or not?

*Females of the forum imagine it was a bite on the flap

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well it depends on the situation, if i was confident that a hospital was nearby and an antitdote was available quickly then I wouldn't, however if there wasn't a hospital nearby and it was needed then I would. How awful would you feel if your friend died and you could have prevented it? that would haunt me for the rest of my life if it happened.

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well it depends on the situation, if i was confident that a hospital was nearby and an antitdote was available quickly then I wouldn't, however if there wasn't a hospital nearby and it was needed then I would. How awful would you feel if your friend died and you could have prevented it? that would haunt me for the rest of my life if it happened.

Behave, we all know what you'd do


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Googled it (sad I know) but compooter says you're right Boycie - it's a myth made famous in Westerns but in reality the venom would enter the bloodstream too fast so try to in the first place would be useless.

The snake probably took offence at being shat on, I mean, who wouldn't? 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

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Without more of an understanding (I know vaguely about your stomach acids being able to digest venom (obviously you'd spit most of it out)), I'm not convinced I'd be too confident sucking venom out of an arm, let alone a hairy sack.

no one ever tell you its rude to spit?

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Googled it (sad I know) but compooter says you're right Boycie - it's a myth made famous in Westerns but in reality the venom would enter the bloodstream too fast so try to in the first place would be useless.

The snake probably took offence at being shat on, I mean, who wouldn't? 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

i rest my case

thread dismissed.

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