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If you won the Euro lottery....


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what would you buy? I've got my eye on this shack. T'aint much, I could do a lot with it to make it habitable. Paddling pools only diddy though, definatly needs some work doing on it. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />


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Wonder how many of us would invest heavily in our beloved club?

You'd obviously see your family right first, but then what? Would you honestly throw it at Derby County?

If Mr Doughty can just 'forget' 100 million? Would you be able to?

I suspect your Camelot advisors would tell you to steer well clear of any football team.

Praps a Euro win isn't enough. All the same, it makes you realise how committed to Forest, Doughty was.

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If the win was about £200 mill, (the first thing I'd do is faint) then buy houses for fam and bung them a mill each, no wait, that's too much, they can have a tenner - then I'd think about donating on the proviso that they buy players we'd all like to see.

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I would first of all buy my sister a house and a million pounds. I would give my mum and dad 10 million, they love it here so I wouldn't buy them a house. Then I would fund my own political party and derby county, to the tune of 20 million each to start with. I would give my 3 best friends in the world 1 million each to see them ok. Then put the rest into a high interest account and watch it grow.

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I would first of all buy my sister a house and a million pounds. I would give my mum and dad 10 million, they love it here so I wouldn't buy them a house. Then I would fund my own political party and derby county, to the tune of 20 million each to start with. I would give my 3 best friends in the world 1 million each to see them ok. Then put the rest into a high interest account and watch it grow.

What would you give your talented dog ? 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

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