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Racism in football university research - phase 2


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Many thanks to all those fans who helped me with my first phase of the racism in football Topfan research - i received well over 1000 responses. Due to the response from phase 1 i have set up a phase 2 that only asks one question. It will take you less than a minute and is available at: [url=http://www.topfan.co.uk/]http://www.topfan.co.uk

Thanks in advance.

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The bit where it asks have you witnessed racisim, i can't answer that correctly.

Mine was at a Welsh League match last week, where the ref sent a player off for a 2nd yellow card offence, and the player refused to leave the field.

His reason for not going is because the REF was a RACIST, and he was only sending him off because he was black. (there were other black players playing)

After his own players turned on him and told him to f cough the field did the manager have to come across and pull him off.

And we won 3-1

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