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Clough 2 more, sell sell sell first


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Maybe you're ignoring his full statement and drawing conclusions to suit your own needs?

In comparison with others, it's not a big net spend. We're probably mid-way in net spend terms. But we've still spent a fair bit, just that others have been spending a hell of alot. That's going to happen given the spending power of some of the teams now in the league.

(At davecov, i'm too bloody slow with these replies)

I'm not twisting anything.

Read the whole statement if you like. The only person who could twist that into the board has given him enough money to compete is you.

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His words were "....it would make it easier" with regards getting more in, he doesn't say it is necessary to sell before signing.

Try quoting the whole sentence next time.

Plus, if he says we're desperate to get rid, then we're not going to get the price we want. Using the term "last year of contracts" doesn't keep coming up for no reason.

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I'm not twisting anything.

Read the whole statement if you like. The only person who could twist that into the board has given him enough money to compete is you.

We can compete, of course we can, but haven't been spending what Leicester/West Ham have, that's what Clough is saying. Which makes our spending seem modest in comparison.

And you appear to be reading his line as "We've not spent anything". Wheras he's actually saying we've not spent as much as the highest spenders have, not that we've spent nothing.

It's a simple statement, with a simple meaning, or atleast I thought so. You can look for conspiracies in anything, if you want to do that feel free.

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We can compete, of course we can, but haven't been spending what Leicester/West Ham have, that's what Clough is saying. Which makes our spending seem modest in comparison.

And you appear to be reading his line as "We've not spent anything". Wheras he's actually saying we've not spent as much as the highest spenders have, not that we've spent nothing.

It's a simple statement, with a simple meaning, or atleast I thought so. You can look for conspiracies in anything, if you want to do that feel free.

I won't comment on this until after the Janary transfer window.

Funny how the smartest people (in my opinion) on here all agree. Ramesses, Uttox, Silly Billy and Ramblur.

Plus, i'm not into conspiracies.....i used to back GSE and what they were doing. I have the ability to admit i might have been wrong though

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I won't comment on this until after the Janary transfer window.

Funny how the smartest people (in my opinion) on here all agree. Ramesses, Uttox, Silly Billy and Ramblur.

Plus, i'm not into conspiracies.....i used to back GSE and what they were doing. I have the ability to admit i might have been wrong though

Funny that. Atleast two of those people are arguing that it would be more prudent to spend on the striker and defensive midfielder now, which has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

I'm talking about Cloughs statement, which is merely saying that we haven't spent as much in net spend terms as other teams have. Which is true of course. But that doesn't mean that he hasn't been given the funds to be competitive.

In this case, it means that we haven't been spending as much as some other teams, despite the number of signings. With Leicester and West Ham throwing money around like confetti, Brighton buying a striker for £3.5m etc. We haven't spent as much in net terms.

Does that mean we've not been given the money to be competitive? Of course it doesn't. The statement just means that we haven't spent as much as the highest spenders. Simple. I am not arguing that it would be better to sign those players now, that's not what we were talking about.

You have an uncanny nack for spinning arguments to suit you own ends, Mr Dave. Have you thought of going into politics? :)

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I won't comment on this until after the Janary transfer window.

Funny how the smartest people (in my opinion) on here all agree. Ramesses, Uttox, Silly Billy and Ramblur.

Plus, i'm not into conspiracies.....i used to back GSE and what they were doing. I have the ability to admit i might have been wrong though

I don't think you can relate intelligence to how your opinion differs to how well owners at a football club, I think it makes sense what they're doing, obviously one eye on the rules coming in next season to which pretty much everyone is doing to a certain extent, obviously leicester are going for make or break, as is West Ham. I look at everyone else and they're not spending because they know if they stay down and have spent they're going to be in breach of next years rules, the wage bill is obviously higher than 60% of our turnover and they're provisionally watching that, I think they will get their men eventually whether it be loan or otherwise.

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I don't think you can relate intelligence to how your opinion differs to how well owners at a football club, I think it makes sense what they're doing, obviously one eye on the rules coming in next season to which pretty much everyone is doing to a certain extent, obviously leicester are going for make or break, as is West Ham. I look at everyone else and they're not spending because they know if they stay down and have spent they're going to be in breach of next years rules, the wage bill is obviously higher than 60% of our turnover and they're provisionally watching that, I think they will get their men eventually whether it be loan or otherwise.

I would like to agree with this post although I don't want to be placed in the thicko camp with Alex.....am I allowed to nod my head slowly and pretend I've got neck ache?

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Try quoting the whole sentence next time.

Plus, if he says we're desperate to get rid, then we're not going to get the price we want. Using the term "last year of contracts" doesn't keep coming up for no reason.

You mean the bit where he says we might have to move on the players in the last year of their contract.

Not an indication of necessity is it?

Oh and the last year of contracts reference is indicating which players we will listen to offers on.

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You mean the bit where he says we might have to move on the players in the last year of their contract.

Not an indication of necessity is it?

Oh and the last year of contracts reference is indicating which players we will listen to offers on.

I've explained it once.....repeating yourself isn't really helping.

He isn't going to come out and say we have to get rid now.....we're struggling to get rid as it is.

**** this ********. Some people come across as defending the board no matter what is said. Comes across as ******* deluded....or a case of not wanting to be wrong. Who knows....

If we signed someone for 1.5 million (waghorn) then i'd shut up, and so would Clough. I'm not going to spout about not spending when we have......pity you lot can't do the same.

P.s Coventry have a bigger net spend in the last 2.5 years.


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I'm out altoghether Daveo....cancel/ban this account. This aint a reaction either....i've been thinking about this for a while. I enjoy reading, but not having games of semantics with the most stubborn people i have ever come across.....and the sniping comments - bit hypocritical of you was that Daveo.

I'm done.

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No, because Coventry have no-one worth selling. Not suprising is it.

I think you're seeing what's not there because you already think it, you've made a simple and correct statement from Clough into a devious attack at a percieved lack of financial backing.

Wheras really, he was just stating the obvious that other clubs have spent alot more than us. Which is true. Does that mean we've not spent a decent amount of money in trying to improve and become more competitive? Of course it doesn't.

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I'm out altoghether Daveo....cancel/ban this account. This aint a reaction either....i've been thinking about this for a while. I enjoy reading, but not having games of semantics with the most stubborn people i have ever come across.....and the sniping comments - bit hypocritical of you was that Daveo.

I'm done.

If I can take the flack that I did for so long, you can man up a little.

I'll send you a taster of some of the PM's I used to get if you like, nevermind sniping comments on here.

People argue. It's a forum, made for debating. If you don't like that sort of thing, you should never have signed up.

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I'm out altoghether Daveo....cancel/ban this account. This aint a reaction either....i've been thinking about this for a while. I enjoy reading, but not having games of semantics with the most stubborn people i have ever come across.....and the sniping comments - bit hypocritical of you was that Daveo.

I'm done.

Been there mate.

Don't go, just stay and take the piss out of people.

Please... :(

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When all is said and done, the board said they would assemble a squad to compete in the top half of the league. Have they done that?

NO, we will do well to stay up, I have a season ticket and usually look forward to the first game but this year i'm just not excited at all. Another boring season to follow i fear,We do not have and quality in the team.:(

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I'm out altoghether Daveo....cancel/ban this account. This aint a reaction either....i've been thinking about this for a while. I enjoy reading, but not having games of semantics with the most stubborn people i have ever come across.....and the sniping comments - bit hypocritical of you was that Daveo.

I'm done.

Don't be a big girls blouse!

You're big enough to dish it out so be big enough to take a bit.

Anyway, I think I'm in love with you, you called me intelligent. You are going to Brighton, aren't you?:p

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Not being a blouse lol.

Just had enough. I am out. I have other stuff i should be doing really. If i can't post, then i can't waste time arguing lol.

I'll come back in the summer under an obvious username to say i told ya so!:D

Until then.....Come on you rams.

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I'm out altoghether Daveo....cancel/ban this account. This aint a reaction either....i've been thinking about this for a while. I enjoy reading, but not having games of semantics with the most stubborn people i have ever come across.....and the sniping comments - bit hypocritical of you was that Daveo.

I'm done.

We don't cancel accounts but if you really want the account to be banned that's upto you.

I have already explained the several things your infraction was for at the time, telling a moderator then admin to both F off I think 1 Yellow was very fair.

In this thread you tried to suggest that certain members who are in agreement with you are "smart", I guess that means the rest of us are not so clever as you lot then and we should just bow down to your opinion?

How that makes me hypocritical I don't know, had I told you to F off then I'd agree and I'd issue myself a Yellow card I guess.

If you want to give it then you have to take it, however there is a line and when it's crossed Yellow cards are handed out.

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