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This is not Tom Cruise

Carl Sagan

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The future of entertainment or of disinformation? Tom Cruise doesn't have a TikTok account. This is what's called a Deep Fake, created by deep learning algorithms (a form of artificial intelligence). Click through on the tweet to watch two more fake videos of him.


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Sith Happens

Amazing really.

I'm sure we are along way from people being framed,  setup, for stuff as sure experts must easily see through them, but still very clever.


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A step too far. It's dangerous for people's security and another potential use for cyber bullying. As if we don't have a big enough with that already. 

Tik Tok needs incinerating. Full of talentless muppets who use the same background music that drives me nuts. My missus loves it. I was hoping it would be like Bebo and die in a watery Internet grave. 

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2 hours ago, Sith Happens said:

Amazing really.

I'm sure we are along way from people being framed,  setup, for stuff as sure experts must easily see through them, but still very clever.


I hope you're right on that.

Of course the other soide of the coin is the real peple actually doing outrageous or just bad stuff and then claiming it's fake. Good job we've never known anyone with any real power doing that, though?

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4 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

Tik Tok needs incinerating. Full of talentless muppets who use the same background music that drives me nuts. My missus loves it. I was hoping it would be like Bebo and die in a watery Internet grave. 

Bit unfair, their dishwashers are quite good

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