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Right scum bags out there


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Well my mum sister grave in yorkshire someone took stuff of it and my sister my mum left there sign was taken. And this makes me so angrey I swear if I found out they be sorry that they even took them. And my auntie that was very close to my heart and always will be.

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7 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

Lowest people on earth why cant get sick and leave good people alone.

I understand your anger mate, but now is not the time to be wishing people "get sick".  You are better than that. 

Yes, they are scum... and they will get their comeuppance.   

Stay strong, buddy.

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1 minute ago, Alpha said:

Don't really know what to say, dude. Feel sorry for you and I hope the people who did it get a good dose of their own medicine when they're looking for a bit of peace and love.

I bet did thinking make some money of it. They sign saying my mum from her daughter and my grandma from her kid.

And she boss from care workers looks after people who need it.

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Sith Happens

I think its hard to try and imagine why people do these things. Just dont get it.

Vandalism isnt a new thing so cant even blame social media. I would be angry too, its disgusting,

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1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

Just not fair we only get see her at her final resting place couple times and pain still feels like yesterday. I am crying right now greath has never stopped god I wish I knew who did it.

You are right b4 there really are some scumbags out there and their actions apart from inspiring anger can be heartbreaking to the people they crxp on but also mucked is right in that we never want to allow us to become them, your nothing like them and I’m sure could never be like them , 

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19 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Here's a thought... IF they do get caught, and I appreciate that that's a big if, how about instead of "criminal damage" or some such charge, the powers that be up the charge to something akin to treason, under the current circumstances!  




Oh... hang on... Just hearing on radio news that folk are now ringing 999 to enquire when they can leave their homes!  If I didn't laugh, I'd vomit!  

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Sith Happens
3 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

Here's a thought... IF they do get caught, and I appreciate that that's a big if, how about instead of "criminal damage" or some such charge, the powers that be up the charge to something akin to treason, under the current circumstances!  




Oh... hang on... Just hearing on radio news that folk are now ringing 999 to enquire when they can leave their homes!  If I didn't laugh, I'd vomit!  

You are kidding me? FFS I despair right now, i thought we were supposed to be an intelligent race.

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On 24/03/2020 at 16:06, Paul71 said:

You are kidding me? FFS I despair right now, i thought we were supposed to be an intelligent race.

Derbyshire Police tweeted that someone called 999 inquiring where they could go for a walk...

Anyone seen the film Idiocracy from the creator of Bevis & Butthead?  We're well on our way to making it a reality...

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