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Could Cocu Walk?

Poynton ram

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2 hours ago, EulogyForEvolution said:

I'm not at the game today but it would be fantastic if the fans could give him a bit of vocal backing.

It's been a tough start but I believe the guy is here to stay, so it would be good for him to feel he has the backing of the crowd.

I get your rhetoric, however I’m not sure Cocu will respond to the crowds encouragement - it has not worked so far this season.  I have not seen him wave or acknowledge the fans so far. Perhaps this could be the opportunity for Cocu to start bringing the team, club and fans together COYR ?

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3 hours ago, ramjit said:

Agree with your post,what worry’s me though about tom is,how will he react when opposition fans home and away constantly mock him at every opportunity.he gets mardi and booked at just giving the ball away.i would question his personality wether he could just ignore it and not let it bother him.i do wonder tbh.tough road ahead for tom.

Agree. He will be tested and his mental health will be fragile that’s for certain It would be easy for the club to sack him, but I think they should support him through this

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I really hope not. It's the last thing we need right now. You could see in his interviews that he was visibly shocked and saddened by this weeks events, even though his response to the questioning was calm and measured. He will have dug the trenches and will be preparing to take his remaining troops over the top and into battle. In Sergeant PhilCo we must trust. COYR. 

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13 hours ago, Red_Dawn said:

I said this before but you all ignored me. Forget Coco the clown, what you need is big Stevey Cotterill behind the helm .

He'll sort these young hoodlums out. No more drinking on the job, back to basics. Bypassing a midfield in one simple move. Textbook stuff.



We are way ahead of you on the bypassing the midfield part.

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