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Advice needed


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Hey ladies and gents need some advice and thanks very much in advance.

My lady has two daughters in college who I get along with pretty well and they have told me how much they appreciate how I treat their mother.

She also has a 7 year old son and this is where I need some advice.He and I just aren't connecting that well; I have tried to play his favorite games with him,bought him food he likes and similar but just not working that great so far.

Any advice from others who have been through this type of thing? Just give it time?


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Has he had his mum in his own for a while before you came into their lives? Does he see his dad regularly or not at all? If so he might just be feeling a bit vulnerable that his mum is being 'taken away ' from him and having to share his affections with another male, and as he has older sisters that have gone away,  it may be that he's been the only male involved in his everyday life and he's a bit  scared of 'losing her' too and jealous of you. If your relationship is quite new yes, he will need time and you will need patience, but in my experience the rewards will come when he learns to trust you and enjoy having a 'mate'. If you live together, I'd try giving him some times with his mum on his own while you do something else for a couple of hours a week  so he still feels important to her. Good luck!

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24 minutes ago, AmericanRam said:

Any advice from others who have been through this type of thing? Just give it time?

Yeah, it takes time. When I got with my ex, his youngest was 7 and we didn’t get on at all. Lots of reasons, too many to list, but long story short, we started to bond over music when he was about 11 or 12. He’s now 28 and we play in the same band and love each other to bits. 

Main thing is probably not to expect too much of him at that age, and don’t be too hard on yourself either for not ‘getting it right’. It’s not easy to form a bond with a partner’s child, from either side. If you show understanding and consistency he’ll hopefully grow to trust you and accept your role in his life.  

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It takes time, joining in and buying favourite foods etc is not a great way of building a good foundation, as later down the line I could come back and bite you.

Make sure mum and him get time to themselves and carry on treating his mum the way you are.

He is only 7 and a lot has happened and he maybe doesn't understand why or what is happening, and as a form of protection he closes up.

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