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Aston Villa reach new low


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16 hours ago, Gaspode said:

If you have to ask why it's unprofessional, there's little point in me explaining it to you - yes they got a lot of attention as a result, but as Gerald Ratner found to his cost, there most certainly is bad publicity....

Don't be condescending, I know why certain type of people would think its unprofessional but seeing as one of the main reasons for having social media is to spread your brand I'd be surprised if they saw it as a bad thing... 

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1 hour ago, IlsonDerby said:

Don't be condescending, I know why certain type of people would think its unprofessional ...... 

Pot & Kettle?

I wasn't being condescending - just surprised that you'd apparently not understand why it was unprofessional....

So to clarify - it's unprofessional because someone at Virgin chose to use the public company twitter feed to post their own personal views - the vast majority of large organisations would find that unacceptable. Not only that, but their posts didn't actually promote Virgin Trains, but made people question the accuracy and validity of the comments - and the examples used made Virgin look foolish and potentially damaged their brand reputation.

Spreading your brand via twitter is fine if it has a positive effect - spreading your brand by making people remember that your service is actually pretty crap (and that you employ petty-minded folk) isn't.... 

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1 hour ago, Gaspode said:

Pot & Kettle?

I wasn't being condescending - just surprised that you'd apparently not understand why it was unprofessional....

So to clarify - it's unprofessional because someone at Virgin chose to use the public company twitter feed to post their own personal views - the vast majority of large organisations would find that unacceptable. Not only that, but their posts didn't actually promote Virgin Trains, but made people question the accuracy and validity of the comments - and the examples used made Virgin look foolish and potentially damaged their brand reputation.

Spreading your brand via twitter is fine if it has a positive effect - spreading your brand by making people remember that your service is actually pretty crap (and that you employ petty-minded folk) isn't.... 

That's exactly why people are employed for social media... It's to show that there is a personality and it isn't just a corporate robot. They used something topical and mildly amusing to initially get people talking about their brand. Nobody is going to boycott Virgin over the a bit of football 'banter' likewise nobody is going to search them out specifically because of it. It was done purely to get people talking which it did. 

Did the joke get 'over done' and become a bit cringy? Absolutely but the head office at Virgin is hardly going to worry about that. They had a lot of national press talking and a lot of football fans talking about their brand. 

Yes the end of the joke was poorly worded and they could have probably made themselves look a little better but again the intention wasn't self promotion but instead about creating a talking point. 

Lets be realistic here, I'd like to think I'm a typical twenty-something professional and my instinct wasn't to go and check how accurate their claim was. Like most I saw it smiled at the initial exchange, cringed about the latter parts and then got back to my life. I'd assume most people did the same. 

You have to remember social media accounts of a lot of companies do this quite regularly but without always getting this level of attention, most notably betting companies but there are others. 

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Bruce got a real job on turning them around, just watched the highlights against Wolves, who absolutely mullered them both football wise and in chances created. 

Only poor finishing, some decent goalkeeping and a very iffy referee, who somehow missed a blatant penalty and sending off right in front of his nose, somehow denied Wolves all 3 points.

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