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Jonathan Kodjia - Signed for Villa

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2 minutes ago, Robbie Ram said:

Good post....

But not sure about Keogh though TBH.

Now there is a Batman who really does think he's Superman.

Eh, Sharon.

You too, sonny boy?

COYR !!!!


He's better than Shackell.

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21 hours ago, Tombo said:

Fair comment, and fair question to ask. Personally I'd be happier keeping the style. We got into all sorts of mess trying to mess with the style too much early last season, but more importantly it has worked more than it has failed on a game by game basis so I'm happy to stick rather than twist.

But it's not my decision to make, and Pearson may have a different view. Fine, cool, I'm down with that, we'll see where it goes. But only a fool would change the system at the expense of the players. If changing the style means demoting our best striker in years to the bench and not using him, I'm not down with that. I don't care how much money gets spent on "the new guy" who's going to score our goals, what if he doesn't?

Let us not throw the baby out with the bathwater. It's the saying we've been hearing in relation to Derby for years. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Problem is, we keep doing it. We keep losing our minds and trying to change far too much. We bought a whole new team last year and now we're angry that it didn't stick immediately. It's not going to is it?

I remember Sam Rush saying after McClaren's second promotion failure that there's no need for a 'draconian review'. Then we went and let McClaren go, appointed Clement, got a new Chairman in Mel and spent close to £30m on a load of new players. If that's not drastic, I don't know what is. I'd hate to see a real draconian review from Rush. But my point is that we keep demanding this every year. After the Wembley heartbreak, even then there were people labelling us bottlers and saying our team just couldn't hack it. Well it's a self fulfilling prophesy. If your own fans say that about you, what would your enemies say.

We've spent lots of money on the players we have. We've invested a lot in the style, system and personnel here at Derby so lets please give it a real chance without upheaval all the time. 13/14 we had a managerial and stylistic change from Clough to McClaren, and since then we've had a lack of stability and focus on the plan. No season in the last three has seen Derby get through a whole season sticking to what we had.

13/14 was Mac's first season, we needed time to adapt to the style. We nearly made it.

14/15 Mac started to bottle it around Jan/Feb and started messing with the formations and the back four. Above all else kept flirting with Newcastle. Where's the stability?

15/16 Clement comes in, continues tinkering. Buys a metric fucktonne of new players. Plays #lineupbingo as some dubbed it on here. Finally starts to get results playing 4-3-3 that McClaren used. Bottled it around Dec/Jan and started tinkering again. Sacked. Where's the stability?

15/16 under Wassall, starts to get results using the 4-3-3 that McClaren used. Not experienced enough for the occasion but spirited 2nd leg against Hull. We nearly made it.


Well there's the question. Do you want us to go back to what got us results, the style we all know and love, or do you want to spend obscene amounts of money again and tinker over and over again? Whatever we do, it better work, and we better stick to it for a whole season. Otherwise we'll collapse again. And it's not the players that have bottled it either.

As Dave Mustaine from the band Megadeth says: "If there's a new way, I'll be first in line....But it better work this time!"

 Logic, A megadeth quote and a my new favourite saying (metric fucktonne), you've earnt that like. Good post

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21 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

Apparently quoting Dave Mustaine gets you free likes.

Here goes

"If I were president of the United States, I'd build a great wall along the Mexican border and not let anybody in."

Hello partner.

I thought this was just one great big click.

I  really do love Tex Mex and all that accordion stuff.

Ry Cooder, anyone?

PS. Informed replies only please. 


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7 minutes ago, Robbie Ram said:

Just depends on your personal slant.

So clever, this fluffy, tangential, filler.

But alas, nothing at all to do with the beloved Rams.

Do keep on topic.


I haven't left the topic at all. 

I've been talking about Kodjia.


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Lets say we buy Kodjia?


How many more goals will the team score as a result?


My guess would be somewhere between 5 less and 5 more.


Can't see the point. We need definite and marked improvement, not another expensive gamble.

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8 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

Lets say we buy Kodjia?


How many more goals will the team score as a result?


My guess would be somewhere between 5 less and 5 more.


Can't see the point. We need definite and marked improvement, not another expensive gamble.


Promoted get's us hundreds of millions.

So, WTF?

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10 minutes ago, Robbie Ram said:


Promoted get's us hundreds of millions.

So, WTF?

Go back to the original question, how many additional goals will the team secure with the addition of Kodjia.

In our history the addition of certain players has noticeably improved the standard of the team, Igor, Paul Mcgrath, Gordon Cowans, Dave Mckay. Thats what we need to be looking for. IMO of course. Alternatively speculate on cheap lower league player as Leicester did with Vardy.But throw £10m at Kodjia? Not the answer.

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6 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

Go back to the original question, how many additional goals will the team secure with the addition of Kodjia.

How can you decide how many more goals we'll score with him? It's impossible to tell. Gambles get you out of this league and at least a gamble on Kodjia will give us a good chance of returning our investment unlike spending the same fee on McCormack (which also gives no guarantee of promotion), yet an almost certain loss in investment in terms of resale value.

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3 hours ago, Kernow said:

How can you decide how many more goals we'll score with him? It's impossible to tell. Gambles get you out of this league and at least a gamble on Kodjia will give us a good chance of returning our investment unlike spending the same fee on McCormack (which also gives no guarantee of promotion), yet an almost certain loss in investment in terms of resale value.

Definitely yes.

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