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13 hours ago, froggg said:

What was your time Dale?

1 Hour 13 Minutes

I was running with someone slower but I reckon if I pushed I could've done 1 hour 9 minutes.

I predicted 1 Hour 15 Mins so I was happy with my time, I was more bothered about getting the first one under my belt and then going on from there.

I'm aiming for under an hour next time

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1 hour ago, Dale The Ram said:

1 Hour 13 Minutes

I was running with someone slower but I reckon if I pushed I could've done 1 hour 9 minutes.

I predicted 1 Hour 15 Mins so I was happy with my time, I was more bothered about getting the first one under my belt and then going on from there.

I'm aiming for under an hour next time

Well done on the 10K. Maybe your target should be to run 5K in under 30 minutes, that will help you to get to your 10K target.


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For 30 odd years I never ever saw the appeal of running at all and used to scoff at the saddos trudging round the roads in all weathers. Then, after the first Mrs Wolfie buggered off, I wanted to get fit & lose some weight in order to faciliate the trapping of Mrs Wolfie number 2, so joined a gym but couldn't get on with the treadmill.

At the same time, a few at work decided to run the Sheffield 10K in aid of the Children's hospital and I reluctantly joined in & started running on the road. I really surprised myself by enjoying it and, though I didn't really train enough, managed just over an hour for the 10K. I agree with others who have enjoyed the orgnaised races - it was a great adrenaline boost & the togetherness with other runners along the way really helped my motivation. The last 500m was an uphill stretch and I thought I was going to die but I'd got talking to a runner along the way who was recovering from a heart op and when I saw him keep going, I knew I had to keep up with him.

I kept up the running for a while by going for regular 3-4 milers 2-3 times a week before work but had to give up because I kept getting bad pain in my heel - despite having my gait analysed and having proper trainers etc.

I still go to the gym but the cardio work is on the cross trainer rather than the treadmill. I do miss the road-running though even 6 years after the initial 10K.

The moral of the story is: Give it a go. Sign up to a 5/10k, to give you something to aim at.

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Got to agree with most on here, once you get in the groove and build up your miles you do get a great buzz from it.  It's just a shame that I can only really do it in spurts of a couple of months at a time due to my sh1tty back continually going on me.  I'm lucky that I live on the edge of the countryside so I can soak up the peace of country lanes, instead of worrying about dog turds, old folk, traffic at junctions and annoying mother's taking up the majority of the pavement with their pushchairs.  Would really like to get into proper trail running, anyone recommend any good local routes???

Oh and @David you don't have to wear lycra...

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2 hours ago, bcnram said:

Well done on the 10K. Maybe your target should be to run 5K in under 30 minutes, that will help you to get to your 10K target.


Thank you BCN!

I think this is this Sundays venture, a week after the 10km im going to go shorter distance, 5km sounds good to me.

I'll let you know how I get on

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