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Bullying occurs a lot in school .The high school I attended was not very big at all(Around 600 students total) but even with that small of a student population,bullying still occurred way more than it should have.

Why do kids or people in general bully? Could be several reasons:Severe lack of self-esteem and bullying gives them feelings of authority,problems at home,jealousy towards the one they are bullying perhaps,etc.

I do not abide bullying especially in regards to adolescents who I tend to tutor and be around a lot.If I see it happening at work


I quickly intervene and do my best to stop it from happening in future.

The answer to stop bullying can be many: Don't be a bystander, if you see it happening intervene, educate oneself in regards to prevention techniques(i.e. speaking up as soon as you see it so bullying doesn't get worse) etc.

Bullying someone continously can eventually lead to major problems for them in an emotional and mental sense as well.

To me bullying at work,school, or elsewhere should never be tolerated.

Just my perspective.

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I was bullied on occassion by the same girl for having a different accent to her. She cornered me with her mates behind her and picked a fight, so I got in first and broke her nose with the hardest punch I had.

After that she left me alone. Bullies are cowards, they're horrible.


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