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The #dcfc on twitter


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Blooming unbearable.... Really is hilariously full of hypocrites who think they know best... Include myself of course...


What I don't get is I want I want I want mentality of them... Read some quite frankly hilarious tweets over last few weeks.... You'd think we're going down and under embargo.

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It also makes me glad that I rather watch my lads play for there teams on a Sunday... I get much more out of talking and watching them than discussing absolute bull with some people on there and other places

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31 minutes ago, Mafiabob said:

Blooming unbearable.... Really is hilariously full of hypocrites who think they know best... Include myself of course...


What I don't get is I want I want I want mentality of them... Read some quite frankly hilarious tweets over last few weeks.... You'd think we're going down and under embargo.

Hmm. Sounds like all of us on this forum. ?

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It's only the same as what users put on here. Some is total garbage. Some makes total sense. 

Mine is normally garbage :) there are many good fans on Twitter. They talk sense and don't always use the hashtag you just have to know who they are 

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Twitters great, all depends on who you follow, I don't go in for all that if you follow me I'll follow back ****** as you end up with some right plonkers on your feed.

When I switch to the @dcfcfans account after the game the mentions are hilarious with the arguments going off, sat in the pub last night chuckling away to myself, some people are nuts.

By the way of anyone does follow me on my account and I'm not following say hello, unless you have the same username on here I'll never know who you are

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9 minutes ago, Derby_EnglandLoyal said:

Can't wait to have a field day on Twitter last day of the season (hopefully) lol. 

I'm tempted to do that... But I may just keep quiet and hopefully let the table do the talking, because of its the other way round you can be certain some Twitter users will be shouting loud at how right they are...

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