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Ooops I did it again


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Today a Russian guy came to the store and tried to steal a bottle of vodka. He tried to escape and one of our female clerks went to stop him. He resisted so I went to help her. I tried to keep him in the store just by holding his sleeve but as he resisted more I had to throw him on the floor.

Now I'm facing a new warning and possibly being sacked. What fun.

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I though slapping Ruskies around was a Finnish national sport. Why would you be reprimanded?

We are not allowed to stop thieves so the firm doesn't have to pay if somebody gets hurt. I also got attacked a year and a half ago and as I threw some punches too I got a warning.

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I reckon it's a bloody disgrace that you are the one getting done. You might aswell stick a sign up saying 'thieves welcome' on the door! 

And if thieves know they can get away with it, they're gonna keep coming back for freebies, knowing there's nowt you can do about it.

It's bonkers, you can't work like that!

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