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As I've said all along, songs are a bit harder to have a proper plan for. All the songs that have caught on in the last few years started at away games so that is probably the best place to try new ones out.

I don't get to too many away games, so its probably up to Nick and the rest of the guys who go to every game to start them off.

We will happily get on board with any songs that start off and will add ones which became established to the songbook page. We will encourage everyone to sing and to not be scared of trying new songs, but we won't be saying "this is a new DCFC song" at this stage, it needs to be a bit more organic than that.

Having said that if things change and we find a way to reach people not on social media, or the group in the SS approach us saying, give us some ideas, we will definitely pass on all suggestions!

I hope to catch up with Nick again soon and have another chat about the chants and songs, see if we can come up with a way to funnel ideas.

I think song lyrics on the back of the flyers wouldn't be a bad idea. To incorporate new songs on match days, they have to be forced abit, its hard for it to happen organically. Or atleast if Nick had a list of songs, and attempted them every game then eventually they would catch on?


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He's English. 

He's Classical.

So on that note this song should do us.

"Der la, der la, der la, Derby Co....Our Chrissy Martin scores a goal"

"Der la, der la, der la Derby Co.....Our Chrissy Martin's Classical"

"Der la, der la, der la Derby Co.....Our Chrissy Martin saves our sole"

"Der la, der la, der la Derby Co....The Only Team I Wanna Know"

And sung a lot slower than this one, or we'll all be done in before the season starts!!!!!!!

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He's Classical.

So on that note this song should do us.

"Der la, der la, der la, Derby Co....Our Chrissy Martin scores a goal"

"Der la, der la, der la Derby Co.....Our Chrissy Martin's Classical"

"Der la, der la, der la Derby Co.....Our Chrissy Martin saves our sole"

"Der la, der la, der la Derby Co....The Only Team I Wanna Know"

Like it!!!!! This should get going home and away games 

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Might work better if we sing this instead and not sure what the tune is called, but when the last line is repeated, it works well.

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co....Our Chrissy Martin scores a goal" (Our Chrissy Martin scores a goal)

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co...Our Chrissy Martin's Classical" (Our Chrissy Martin's Classiclal)

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co...Our Chrissy Martin saves our soul" (Our Chrissy Martin saves our soul)

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co....The Only Team I Wanna Know" (The Only Team I Wanna Know)

and repeat for ages.

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Might work better if we sing this instead and not sure what the tune is called, but when the last line is repeated, it works well.

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co....Our Chrissy Martin scores a goal" (Our Chrissy Martin scores a goal)

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co...Our Chrissy Martin's Classical" (Our Chrissy Martin's Classiclal)

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co...Our Chrissy Martin saves our soul" (Our Chrissy Martin saves our soul)

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co....The Only Team I Wanna Know" (The Only Team I Wanna Know)

and repeat for ages.

The tune is called "I love working for Uncle Sam" so if anyone wants to sing about Sam Rush, fill ya boots!


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The songs are all well and good but is any of this being co-ordinated???

Still stand firm that there needs to be a focal, a numero uno who directs things. Too much of an open forum.....

Harsh or realistic?????



Sod that! I prefer the spontaneous stuff and would hate it if some pillock with a megaphone started to dictate what we had to sing and when. I'd be tempted to ram the megaphone where the sun doesn't shine and then you would only be able to hear his amplified farts. 

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Or not as good, along to the Agadoo tune:-

"Ssewankamboo, bo, bo,

"Chuck pineapples, at the trees,

"Ssewankamboo, bo, bo,

"Push pineapple, grind coffee,

"To the left, to the right, jump up and down and to the knees,

"Come and dance every night, sing with a Derby melody"


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For songs to take off they have to be easily recognisable and have something easy to learn.

It's all well and good finding a song with a catchy chorus (like Start Wearing Purple by Gogol Bordello) but if no one actually knows it, then you are on to a loser.

There has to be little modification to it lyrics wise too.

you have more chance of something taking off if you modify something like What's New Pussycat by Tom Jones or something like that and find alliterative lyrics.

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The songs are all well and good but is any of this being co-ordinated???

Still stand firm that there needs to be a focal, a numero uno who directs things. Too much of an open forum.....

Harsh or realistic?????



Just my opinion... I Think there definitely needs to be some sort of coordination otherwise these suggestions will just slip through the cracks. Agreed? Which would be a shame because there are some cracking suggestions.

Maybe not a single body directing things however, i just cant see it working in England, presuming you mean a bloke on a microphone orchestrating everything. i can see why this was suggested as it is done all over Europe, you often see that associated with clubs which generate the best atmospheres.

I know 1884 don't want to give the impression to fans that they will be dictating what songs we sing and when we do etc because of the fan backlash fear, but sometimes you need to bite the bullet and potentially upset people for new songs to be taken on board in match days. No matter what you do there will be people criticizing. Saying all that, i don't think many would complain at all. 

(EXAMPLE) - SINCE I WAS YOUNG -  I don't believe this chant started organically from one bloke who thought if he sang this song in particular at home/away games it it would eventually catch on. COULD BE WRONG! but i highly doubt it.

It takes someone like Nick Webster, and his group of mates to force the issue. Get together, discuss potential new songs, learn the lyrics, and agree to start chanting them together every match day until the crowd takes the song board and it catches on. Which is what happened with SIW. The song has now become associated with our club, everyone knows the lyrics and it sounds fantastic on match days with the SS belting it out.

So in conclusion, I do think it needs to be choreographed in some way.

As mentioned before maybe New song ideas + lyrics could be printed on the back of flyers/posters, would be a start?

Could also include at the bottom somewhere the 1884 email so fans can add to the list? At least that way fans would be aware of what the lyrics are and they can get involved.

Perhaps the club could print a page in the match day programs? Think it would be a good idea for the club to spread the word about the 1884 group, what the plans are, potential new songs, potential future match day displays etc. Enough people read them so would get good exposure.


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Now singing this lovely song by Billy Bragg The Price I Pay, would be great.

"Derby I love you so much that sometimes it's such,
I'd walk a mile with a stone in my shoe,
And that's the price I pay for loving you the way that I do,
That's the price I pay for loving you the way that I do"


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Might work better if we sing this instead and not sure what the tune is called, but when the last line is repeated, it works well.

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co....Our Chrissy Martin scores a goal" (Our Chrissy Martin scores a goal)

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co...Our Chrissy Martin's Classical" (Our Chrissy Martin's Classiclal)

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co...Our Chrissy Martin saves our soul" (Our Chrissy Martin saves our soul)

"Oh we are, we are Derby Co....The Only Team I Wanna Know" (The Only Team I Wanna Know)

and repeat for ages.

Then can we all go nuts and sing Charlatans - The Only One I Know?

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