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Sleep is supposed to be pretty important, different people will quote different numbers at you for how many hours a night you should sleep.

I write this probably sleep deprived, I got up at 9am on Wednesday. I had uni work to do which I finished at 1pm today and then followed it up with alot of drinks, currently on a drinks break.

I feel pretty rough right now  and did all night.

So how much do you guys sleep? Do you get enough? Do you want more?

Im just about to roll over to 34 hours without sleep, which is a personal best. I do not feel great, but that might be the booze.


PS - I like to get 10 hours a night  (I can manage on 8 just fine) (12 is fantastic though)

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So I suffer from sleep paralysis and no doctor has been able to successfully diagnose it until I read a bbc article this week. 

It's when you dream and reality mix, and you can't move. It's pretty awful. The only way to not get it is to have a drink or two. Count your self lucky. At uni I survived on 3-4 hours sleep for 4 years. 

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So I suffer from sleep paralysis and no doctor has been able to successfully diagnose it until I read a bbc article this week. 

It's when you dream and reality mix, and you can't move. It's pretty awful. The only way to not get it is to have a drink or two. Count your self lucky. At uni I survived on 3-4 hours sleep for 4 years. 

​I have heard about sleep paralysis, dont you wake up unable to move with the feeling of a heavy weight on your chest?

As for uni, there are times we nothing to do when I sleep 12 hours and times when I have everything and dont sleep

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It is. Horrific feeling when you can't move and pretty bad **** is taking place. You are like awake, buy a heavy weight is on you and you can't shake it off and move, but all you senses are there and it's always bad **** on your dreams. To me out sounds that you will be okay. 


One doctor back in England described me as nocturnal. So my point, sleep varies from person to person.  Once you start work you will figure out what your true pattern is. 

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It is. Horrific feeling when you can't move and pretty bad **** is taking place. You are like awake, buy a heavy weight is on you and you can't shake it off and move, but all you senses are there and it's always bad **** on your dreams. To me out sounds that you will be okay. 


One doctor back in England described me as nocturnal. So my point, sleep varies from person to person.  Once you start work you will figure out what your true pattern is. 

Get to bed, fool

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Go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6:10am. Weekends about 10:30pm and always wake up at around 8:30 pisses me off!

Lately I keep waking up with dry mouth every night about 3-4 and keep needing the toilet been happening every night for a month now.. After reading up on this I may all of a sudden got diabeates or a critical condition that I may die soon if not treated. Really I should book a appointment.


Also my fat cells are not working properly or something..

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Lately I keep waking up with dry mouth every night about 3-4 and keep needing the toilet


Dry mouth....needing the toilet

Sounds to me like you can kill 2 birds with 1 stone right there. Don't let Froggg see you kill one tho

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Thanks to having a toddler in the house, I get between 5 and 7 hours sleep & a weekend lie in is normally 6-6.30. It seems to be enough but it would be nice to get 8+ once in a while.

I have an annoying habit of waking up at 4 and not being able to sleep properly again.

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It is. Horrific feeling when you can't move and pretty bad **** is taking place. You are like awake, buy a heavy weight is on you and you can't shake it off and move, but all you senses are there and it's always bad **** on your dreams.

​It's ghosts. Do you see dead people?

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Don't come looking for sympathy, at school they wasn't showing you how to put a condom on a banana for entertainment. Should have taken it more seriously.

​Obviously I don't regret a single moment of the last 2 1/2 years.


I can type that because it isn't 2am and I haven't just been trying to ignore "daddy" every 8 seconds for the last 10 minutes.

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I seldom sleep for longer than 6 hours a night - anything more than that and I just feel lethargic. If I am going into the office (rare normally, but something I've had to do 4 times in the last two weeks, shock horror) I get up at 5:15, have a coffee, hit the road and I'm working by 6:45. Last night I finished working at 1:00 am and was back working at 7:00 this morning, albeit at home today.

Saying that, the Memsahib dies at night, and never gets up before 10:00 am, grabs a coffee and sods back upstairs for an hour. One day, I'm going to have to cook my own bacon and black pudding sandwich.

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Don't come looking for sympathy, at school they wasn't showing you how to put a condom on a banana for entertainment. Should have taken it more seriously.

​You can get pregnant from fruit now? I thought the excuse was 'must have been a toilet seat'.

Or is that the clap?

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