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Madrid v Schalke

Ovis aries

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Why don't the ITV engineers turn the background noise down and the commentary up , its rubbish.

Football not much better mind and a lot of spaces in the crowd .

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Very good game for the neutral, being in Germany it was quite interesting to see everyone wanting Schalke to win regardless of who they supported, which got me thinking would the English be the same if an English team was on? i.e. Arsenal fans wanting Chelsea to win etc?

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​It turned out to be good to watch , when I posted   it was only after about 10 minutes and it had been poor up to then , and I could not here the commentator over the crowd noise.

I would not say classic, Madrid were nowhere near their best , the defence was crap  Bale virtually did nothing , Ronnie tried, but you could see he was really pis sed .

Schalke we the better side by a street .

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