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Anyone ever thought that maybe WE are the bad guys? 

Blair/Bush/Cameron/Obomber...hardly the whos who of decent human beings...

Look at the list of Countries the USA has invaded in the last 50 years. 

I would take Putin over the Zionist ****lickers we are ruled by. 

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Anyone ever thought that maybe WE are the bad guys? 

Blair/Bush/Cameron/Obomber...hardly the whos who of decent human beings...

Look at the list of Countries the USA has invaded in the last 50 years. 

I would take Putin over the Zionist ****lickers we are ruled by. 

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I agree with Troy. The media give a very biased interpretation of events as if we are the good guys all the time, fighting a noble cause. So far as I see it our foreign policy is about protecting America's sphere of influence and expanding the EU's territory and power. You poke the Russian bear enough times this is what you get. The problem is Europe is on a death march with the Euro and America's share of global GDP is diluting by the month, we don't rule the world anymore and they just don't get it.







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We don't bother with ones we used to control. We just invade ones we have no business going near. 

I wonder if Mugabe would still be in power if Zimbabwe had an abundance of natural resources...

Since WW2 the USA has bombed 24 different Countries. They are the good guys though. USA!

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Putin is the bad man there is no question about it. He has violated numerous countries sovereignty for instance Georgia where he still has troops, Ukraine etc etc and he will not stop. There is no doubt Putin wants to roll back the borders of independent nation states anymore. On our foreign policy in the past we've done bad things, especially during the cold war where we propped up dictatorships in order to try and stop the spread of communism. We still prop up or support dictators such as Saudi Arabia which is wrong, however we must be able to speak out against all wrongs. This includes Putin's authoritarian state which for a while now has been descending into full blown tyranny. 


On our interventions in general i'll say a couple of things. I am a supporter of Iraq and Afghanistan they were both ruled by dictators especially iraq the like of which were on the scale of Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot. We weren't dealing with authoritarian leaders whose idea of government was a bit weird. In Iraq and Afghanistan both those governments were a threat to the world and oppressors to their own people on scales which are almost unimaginable, if you doubt this just read about the mass graves found in Iraq and accounts by Peter Bergen in Afghanistan. Yes Mugabe is a bad man but is he as bad as Saddam Hussein? As bad as the Taliban? The idea that we go to war for natural resources is simply not true at the moment. I think such theories are self discrediting and require no more comment from me. 

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​I love this comment, because we never invaded Maoist China or Stalinist Russia did we? Were we not appalled by their human rights violations too? Apparently not as appalled as we were with Saddam, even though you believe Saddam to be on the same scale.

There was a plan to set back Stalinist Russia by Churchill after the second world war but it was deemed impossible to commit to. Also you don't take into account what is possible and what is impossible, was it possible to depose saddam yes, was it possible to depose stalin and mao? No it wasn't.  

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There was a plan to set back Stalinist Russia by Churchill after the second world war but it was deemed impossible to commit to. Also you don't take into account what is possible and what is impossible, was it possible to depose saddam yes, was it possible to depose stalin and mao? No it wasn't.  

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