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Ipro Sport Sponsorship


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I've run a report on Ipro Sport Corporation Limited today, Makes some very interesting reading:


As a business they are considered 'Below Average Risk' and would advise only offering limited terms. We've accepted an offer from them of a 10-year

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What's the issue here? - if they paid the initial amount and covered off the costs of the stadium re-branding, then we're quids in - as long as they don't default on future payments, we're quids in - if they default, then they're in breach of contract, we remove the branding and get a new sponsor (and currently we're a far more attractive deal for sponsors than we were when iPro first showed up....)

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If there was a better offer to accept, that would have been chosen ....

Getting one years money up front is due diligence enough in absence of a ground sponsor, which we have lacked for 16 years


I do agree in that the chance of getting future years money is far from secure. And when to cease the ground sponsorship if default is made, is a very hard call should it come to that.

You do not cease trading with firms just when an invoice is paid late .....so how long after a Year 2 payment delay do we go before cancelling the deal ....

It will be interesting for sure .....

IPro outlay is

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Igor - sensible response based with business logic over football logic which is what this thread was for.

Gaspode - I do feel that your response puts you in the category of the type of fan who would be criticising from the roof tops if this sponsorship deal failed in years 2/3/4 blaming Sam Rush and saying how bad his decision making is etc

I believe that Sam Rush would have mandated the money up front and we wouldn't have invested anything into the marketing banners around the stadium until this was in place. I am sure circa

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rammieib my response puts me in the category of someone who can't see what the issue is and why you're trying to make such a big deal of it....


Yes it's a relatively new company - we all knew that when it was announced (who??? was the reaction of most (if not all) of us) - the point I'm trying to make is that there is very little (if any) risk in this from the club's perspective ('egg on our faces' - really?) - and the due diligence that you continue to bang on about involved making sure we had the money from them for the first year before they got to rebrand the ground


It was obviously the best deal available at the time - would you have rather taken a smaller sum with a more 'solid' company in order to avoid this potential 'huge hole to fill' - because at the time of the sponsorship being announced, we weren't that appealing and just maybe there weren't that many 'solid' companies queing up to sponsor us....


If you want to get yourself in a state, perhaps you should be concerned whether there are any incremental increases in the payments if we do get promoted (because

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Igor - sensible response based with business logic over football logic which is what this thread was for.

Gaspode - I do feel that your response puts you in the category of the type of fan who would be criticising from the roof tops if this sponsorship deal failed in years 2/3/4 blaming Sam Rush and saying how bad his decision making is etc

I believe that Sam Rush would have mandated the money up front and we wouldn't have invested anything into the marketing banners around the stadium until this was in place. I am sure circa

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It sounds like a credit report produced by a credit reference agency, I would guess therefore it is valid information.

Based on what exactly?

Do you know that someone with thousands on credit cards/loans, who makes repayments on time, are more likely to have a better credit score than somebody with no debt?!

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You are right. They would.

So would you agree that credit reference agencies reports can be a bit backwards?!

With no accounts available, the only think they could have used to calculate the credit score for ipro would be the annual return or equivalent information!

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So would you agree that credit reference agencies reports can be a bit backwards?!

With no accounts available, the only think they could have used to calculate the credit score for ipro would be the annual return or equivalent information!

I know what you mean but until they prove themselves by making payments on time they are bound to (according to a credit report) represent some risk.

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I know what you mean but until they prove themselves by making payments on time they are bound to (according to a credit report) represent some risk.

Think everyone understands that but every company has to start up somewhere!

Suppose it depends whether you look at short or long term view.

I would take

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Sam Rush said that in a forum there were clauses built in if promotion happened...but didn't expand on it.

It was an Experian based credit report....

Like virtually every thread on here you can say so what about it. Thought this was contained a little more thoughtfulness behind it to be fair. Quality discussions Oenone happen on here very much.

I hope IPro makes it. If they don't I can guarantee a number of people on here will criticise the club.

And for the record, give me a ten year,

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