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Lame attempt by the red team to win more votes. Don't fall for it!


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Football fans could have a greater say in the running of their clubs, under radical plans proposed by Labour.

Supporters would have seats on every board and the right to buy a significant slice of a club's shares when its ownership changes.

Labour says it would be "the biggest legislative shake-up in the governance of English and Welsh football clubs since the advent of the game".

Only 14 league clubs currently have fan representatives on their board.

Swansea City are the only Premier League outfit among the 14, with the Swansea City Supporters Trust owning 20% of the club.

But if Labour wins next year's General Election, fans' trusts could be able to appoint and remove up to a quarter - and not less than two - of a club's directors.

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Labour have just realised they can't compete or even comment on the economy or immigration due to the hypocrisy of causing the problems and hope to pick up fringe votes with jingoistic non policy that is easy to implement and have no real impact on anything.....apart from more cost. Typical.

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