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Just suppose

King Kevin

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Try and think the unthinkable ,all this stuff going on at the council tip ,unpaid bills ,HMRC on the case , nutcase for an owner , not paying us ,Finance Director gone etc, do you think Billy could be the injured party? What's the chances.

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The injuring party more like.


Fawaz and Davies is like mixing hydrochloric acid and nitric acid


Or my missus and gin. Danger will ensue.

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Billy hadn't worked in management since they fired him the time before as no one would touch him. So the only job he could have got would have been with strings attached. But it looked as if he made sure him and his mates got a very big payday out of it, probably expecting they'd never work again afterwards. I suppose that he's now one of those unpaid creditors, which is funny. Would be great if he could finally do a decent thing for DCFC and get our unpleasant neighbours wound up and closed down for good!

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The injuring party more like.


Fawaz and Davies is like mixing hydrochloric acid and nitric acid


….which forms Aqua Regia, a substance which can dissolve gold.


Must be what's happened to Fridgy's money in that case.




Boo, Dabber got in first.

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Aqua regia??? Certainly made a fair bit of money disappear!



….which forms Aqua Regia, a substance which can dissolve gold.


Must be what's happened to Fridgy's money in that case.




Boo, Dabber got in first.




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