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This is the reason


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Please, tell me why one can think that is ok to ridicule, undermine and practice name calling on a purpose to hurt someones feelings on this forum just because you happen to have an opinion that differs from the person you are willing to attack.

I would really like to know.

So this is the reason...

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Why are the Swedish so sensitive?

I've noticed that you lot are much more sensitive against racism than people here. So I can't stop wondering how come same people are so eager to trash others for their opinions when they won't have any insults for race and religion. In my mind one should not make a difference like this.

That's why I try to be obnoxious to everybody.

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Please, tell me why one can think that is ok to ridicule, undermine and practice name calling on a purpose to hurt someones feelings on this forum just because you happen to have an opinion that differs from the person you are willing to attack.

I would really like to know.

So this is the reason...

Because people are insecure or suffer from feelings of low personal esteem. When they ridicule others it makes them feel better about themselves. You wuss.

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Because people are insecure or suffer from feelings of low personal esteem. When they ridicule others it makes them feel better about themselves. You wuss.

Your right there, as the great singer Alexander o' Neil said," think you look better when u put me down, your conversation ain't right, or summatt like that. Thing is that feeling is only temporary, in the long term u feel worse. Anyway funk off you losers, we're going to wembley !!

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