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Man approaches toddler in Intu Derby shopping centre in 'suspicious' incident


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Man approaches toddler in Intu Derby shopping centre in 'suspicious' incident

Read more at http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/CCTV/story-21075947-detail/story.html#LX1tO8HM6m4GYxwA.99

DETECTIVES investigating a 'suspicious' incident which took place in Intu Derby shopping centre have released images of a man to whom they want to speak.

A woman was walking into the Boots store with her 22-month-old son toddling just behind her.

A man then walked up, took the boy by the hand and appeared to lead him away from his mother.

The mother then turned and challenged the man, who apologised and walked away.

He left the shopping centre in the direction of The Spot after the incident, which took place at about 10.30am today


Why would you let your 22 month old son be behind you in a public place, forget about abduction, it only takes a secound for a child to wander off, get walked into etc.  Bad mothering imho

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Could be a senile old guy?

Dementia does weird things to the mind.

But, could also be more sinister?

When we were in Spain, a German chap, who was with his wife and friends jokingly pretended to lead our little girl away when she toddled up to them when we were out. We saw her walk up to them, it was only 20 ft away, they had a little "arh, little cutie" type conversation and then he jokingly stuck his hand out. My little one accepted it, and the Missus was over there in a flash getting her back.

Now we had her in our view all the time, and it was all innocent. But it shows you, and the video backs it up, how easy it is to snatch a young kid. They don't scream and shout like you'd expect. Not at first anyway.

Not a good idea to let a toddler loose in a crowed area, should have had a hand lead on or something, let them toddle outside, or in the park.

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He might have thought the kid was lost??? then again it might have been more sinister you dont know and as stupid as it is to say you cant trust anyone really!!


my 4 year old lad is terrible for wandering which is why he always walks infront of me / has to hold his dads hand if its busy or i end up walking backwards till he catches up!!!



Thinks its funny to hide/ play chase which doesnt help!!! the other day i spent 5 mins (not exaggerating a good 5 mins) chasing him around sainsburys he thought it was hilarious



LITTLE **** lol

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He might have thought the kid was lost??? then again it might have been more sinister you dont know and as stupid as it is to say you cant trust anyone really!!

my 4 year old lad is terrible for wandering which is why he always walks infront of me / has to hold his dads hand if its busy or i end up walking backwards till he catches up!!!

Thinks its funny to hide/ play chase which doesnt help!!! the other day i spent 5 mins (not exaggerating a good 5 mins) chasing him around sainsburys he thought it was hilarious

LITTLE **** lol

Got a 4 year old exactly the same. The last sentence qualifies too. Middle child syndrome
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Just been on RD that the 80 yr old who came forward after the CCTV appeal had good intentions, which to me says he probably thought he was lost.

It seems a lot of us are suspicious but I reckon you can't be too careful nowadays, which is a pity. Ifeel a bit sorry for that guy now, looks like he was trying to help.

But more parents really should make sure their kids are properly watched. Can't watch a kid if it's behind them.

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Well I hope it's true and he was only going to help the little boy.

You can see how people don't want to help when they see someone in trouble.

Stranger abduction is very rare but they do happen and not just for that reason, should you watch your kids properly - just to keep them safe full stop. 


Mr friend once gave her daughter the 'don't talk to strangers' lesson and told her if anyone tried to take her away to shout loudly 'Leave me alone, I don't know who you are' - which she did do - in Farmfoods, whilst trying to run off from her dad.  :lol:

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This thread merely highlights how we shouldn't jump to conclusions.


We sadly live in a time when child abductions and disgusting stories of child abuse are reported and sadly rife.


This man comes from a time when you could hold a child's hand and walk him to the nearest bobby without the world labeling you something that you are not.


He deserves a thank you and an apology.

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This thread merely highlights how we shouldn't jump to conclusions.


We sadly live in a time when child abductions and disgusting stories of child abuse are reported and sadly rife.


This man comes from a time when you could hold a child's hand and walk him to the nearest bobby without the world labeling you something that you are not.


He deserves a thank you and an apology.

All very true ms but equally these things need to be checked out, as much as child abductions are rare, as a society we need to be vigilant.

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Well I've just looked at the CCTV from the Daily Mail site - I'm still unsure.  He seems to swoop on him a bit quick.

As you say froggg - vigilance is the key. 

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Its a sad sign of the times,

at the end of the day it wouldnt have even made the news if the kid was in front or in the parents field of vision,


Its not easy looking after kids but letting them out of sight even for 5 seconds in westfield is never the ideal time,



I was out the other day and a kid looked lost, was talking to a friend at the time and we genuienly didnt know what to do,

as two blokes walking up to a random kid in a playground is asking for trouble (our kids were in there at the time lol)


turns out her dad just didnt care and left her to run around and crying for 20 mins asking everyone to push her on a swing!!

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Some people are just horrible :-( there's something wrong if they can't help a blind person, or anyone else who needs help. Really find it sad.

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