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I got beat up


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I'm sick. I'm hurt. Doesn't anybody care ? No one even said hi to me at Brunny. :wacko:


Glad to hear you're alright Cisse, shocked when i read the thread.


If you've had a calm chat with the bloke since and you've decided not to take him legal I think that's fair enough.


If you think he's not the type of bloke who does this thing all the time then I think it's a really strong gesture from your side. He must be regretting what he did and if you're not badly hurt then you're doing him a massive favour by turning the other cheek. (even when I don't try I'm a pun genius, you can't be taught that, it's just pure natural class)


Have another think about it before making your final decision though mate. Always good to take the emotion out of a thing like this.


You'd be well within your rights to push this as far as you can. No matter how smashed he was, nothing gave him the right to crack you.


Once your ears get better,  I've found the perfect  song for you to listen to while your back at work.




I can just see you now.....


Ducking and Moving, "No matter how cold you are, you're not getting any more vodka, so feck off and get out of my shop"


Then you're over the counter with a bob and  a weave. Followed by a left jab and right uppercut to finish him off.


"Thanks a lot  and have a nice day! Adrian, Adrian"


Remember, you were born ready Cisse ;-)

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I happen to love that fanfare. I used to support a hockey team that used that as a goal scoring music.

I'll see the guy tomorrow. For a rematch. :D Well actually he is coming over to negotiate this thing. I decided that I will demand some compensation for the bruises plus of course what he broke. If he agrees I'll save him from the court expenses and criminal record. We will see how it goes.

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The guy came to meet me today. Really a nice guy. 45 years old three kids never done anything like this. Told straight away he wants to compensate everything. Made an offer which was just the price I had thought about it. Took all the blame and he really appreciated how I dealt with this.

And once again here's the kicker. The boss of my boss came to see me and told me that the firm can't have people like me hitting people. Now I face either warning or sacking tomorrow.

And our firm is supposed to be the best big firm in Finland. Bullshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit !!!!!!!!!!!

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Well , if you lose your job over this , your 'attacker' needs to know that it may not 


just be a case of a couple of black eyes and broken teeth , but something far more serious ..


losing your income for the unforeseeable future..


Don't agree to any out of court settlement until you know if you still have a job.


Good luck , mate..

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It is not my attacker's fault that the firm and it bosses are pussies. My attacker did a mistake and has been saying from the start that he will pay everything. He has more spine than my boss and his boss combined. I don't blame him at all.

The problem is that I have sold myself for a company that ain't worth a damn, and for minimum wage. If I had any sense at all I would quit.

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In the Uk we have unfair dismissal tribunals.

They may use your "reasonable force" as a tool to sack you, but with the guy on your side confessing to a court that he was over aggressive and you were just defending yourself and the shop, you'll surely win any case.

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I was finally put on sick leave today. Due to a severe ear infection in both ears. :wacko: After all the beating and wrestling I got ordered in bed for an ear infection. :p


I hope that someone's keeping tabs on you

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If i get the sacking I will go to the press and ask my attacker with me as the one who has a spine and we can split the money.  I must say a job like mine where the company doesn't defend its own employees isn't a one worth fighting for.

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Well you didn't really fight back did you and that's why you got messed up :p

I did fight back and got at least four good punches in his head. One of which cut his eye brow. The thing is yesterday that my coworker, a woman saw him she started to cry because he felt bad for my attacker. :unsure:

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In the Uk we have unfair dismissal tribunals.

They may use your "reasonable force" as a tool to sack you, but with the guy on your side confessing to a court that he was over aggressive and you were just defending yourself and the shop, you'll surely win any case.

Industrial Tribunals are not what they used to be!


You must have 2 years service.

You must pay  £1,200 up front for the privilege of using the Tribunal.

If you lose and appeal that will cost you another £1,600 if it goes to a full hearing.




Hope its better in sweden or denmark or where ever you're from Cisse.......

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Industrial Tribunals are not what they used to be!

You must have 2 years service.

You must pay £1,200 up front for the privilege of using the Tribunal.

If you lose and appeal that will cost you another £1,600 if it goes to a full hearing.


Hope its better in sweden or denmark or where ever you're from Cisse.......

that's good news.

You're sacked!

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